Feminism in Marvel Comics, circa 1971

It’s awesome, I tells ya.

Cover to The Incredible Hulk #142, August 1971

You can see the full cover image — as well as read most of the story (which is just as written with a sledgehammer as the cover implies) — at scans daily.

This entry was posted in Cartooning & comics, Feminism, sexism, etc. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Feminism in Marvel Comics, circa 1971

  1. DSimon says:

    Heh, nice jab at Tom Wolfe in there.

    Also, I wasn’t aware that “candelabra” was a dirty word.

  2. Kate says:

    In 1975, the son of Batman and the son of Superman (?!) discovered A WORLD WITHOUT MEN:


    “Real heavy women’s lib stuff!”

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