President Palin's Administration Will Be A Great Success

A guest post I’ve written, at Art Of The Possible.

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9 Responses to President Palin's Administration Will Be A Great Success

  1. Jake Squid says:

    “Shea Stadium,” not, “Shay Stadium.”

    That is all.

  2. Cecily says:

    Sorry to be the second spelling quibble, but isn’t it Shi’ite, not Shite?

  3. Myca says:

    Sorry to nitpick, Amp, but it’s “psychopathic theocrat and habitual liar prone to severe and repeated abuse of power” not, “Sarah Palin.”

    Sorry bout that. I hate spelling flames too, but this seemed like it might have been more than just a typo.


  4. Tanglethis says:

    She’s a feminist version of Dave?

  5. RonF says:

    Suppose John McCain dies in a freak teleprompter accident days after being sworn in as President. What would happen?

    Then it’s back to the chattering monkeys. “She certainly passed her first major test as President, didn’t she? Yes, yes, she did, you’re so right” will be repeated for hours on end.

    Which is why I don’t watch a lot of cable news – except when I work out in the fitness center at work. I put CNN on the left TV and Fox on the right and see what they’re arguing about while I’m on the elliptical machine.

    “ordinary guy becomes President” was kind of the way that President Ford was sold, BTW.

    Republicans say Palin’s administration is bacon-wrapped steak dipped in chocolate,

    Now THERE’S a disturbing image.

    If on Monday Sarah Palin accidentally nukes LA,

    What makes you think it’ll be an accident?

    Eventually, of course, things may collapse beyond the ability of even Republicans to pretend everything’s swell. The bill for endless deficit spending eventually comes due;

    A major reason why I’m careful to draw the distinction between “conservative” and “Republican” and refuse to be described as the latter at least.

  6. RonF says:

    Actually, Cecily, I think he put an extra “e” on the end of that. And how he mangled “Shinola” into “Sunni” is beyond me.

  7. Ampersand says:

    Heh. Spelling corrections made — thanks, folks. (Okay, I didn’t correct the misspelling Myca noticed. :-p )

    Ron, I can’t stand TV news even while I’m exercising — although I admit, if it was commercial-free I might be able to take it.

    Instead, I have a treadmill set up with a computer, and I read blogs and on-screen comics while I’m on the treadmill. The internet is a time-passing tool that’s approximately nine thousand times better than TV or radio for passing time while on exercise equipment; I don’t understand why exercise equipment isn’t always manufactured with a shelf large enough for a laptop at the appropriate height.

    Oh, and really interesting factoid about Ford. Of course that’s how he was sold.

  8. Ampersand says:

    Good point, Tanglethis. In my mind, “feminist” was said with a very sarcastic tone, but that didn’t come across in the post. I’ve changed it to “faux-feminist.”

  9. RonF says:

    I exercise at a fitness center at work, so the media arrangements are not up to me. Which is why I’m also familiar with Maury Povich’s modus operandi; fitness center etiquette is such that if someone else has put a program on and they are in the middle of their workout still watching it, you can’t change it. OTOH, they in turn cannot claim both TV’s, so I can put Fox or CNN on one while they watch Maury (or a soap, or ESPN or whatever).

    I have to admit that when Maury does the reveal I’m watching that instead of the news story.

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