Crass self-promotion department: Vote for Alas!

What the heck – do me a favor and head on over to Wizbang and vote for Alas as the “Best Playful Primate” blog. Of course, I’m over a hundred votes short of the winning total currently (which shouldn’t be THAT big a hurdle to overcome, since there are 800 or so folks reading this blog daily, but I guess not all of you will vote for me… sigh.). However, I’m currently only 14 votes short of beating out all the other lefty blogs on the list. :-p

If you really want to help me out, let me point out that you can legally vote for Alas twice a day every day through the 14th.

Vote early! Vote often!

If I win, I promise to buy Bean and myself lunch as our prize..

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16 Responses to Crass self-promotion department: Vote for Alas!

  1. Mary Garden says:

    For what it’s worth, you’ve got my vote! Of course, there is no paper trail…


  2. Tishie says:

    I voted for you. But I don’t understand the categories, even after looking at TTLB. Why are you a primate rather than a liberal blog? And why weren’t you nominated for best-looking? HUH?

  3. Raznor says:

    Tishie, check this out for info on the whole primates, etc. ranking scheme. I’m guessing there was a separate nomination process that I have no idea how it worked.

  4. Tom T. says:

    Done. Good luck.

  5. Tishie says:

    Raznor, thanks. But I can’t seem to find where it’s explained. I mean, I see the categories, but I don’t know what they mean or how blogs get put into them.

  6. acm says:

    why would you want to be the “Best Playful Primate”?? shouldn’t you be a blog about monkeys, or with a monkey alias, or chat about kiddie stuff, to really care?

    just curious…

  7. Elayne Riggs says:

    Meh. I’ve decided not to vote in a blog contest when my blog isn’t even on their radar. :)

  8. dch says:

    I don’t get the category, either. I’m picturing a frolicking Rowan Williams.

    But I’m voting for Alas anyway. Who knows? Maybe if it wins, Amp will draw us a picture of a frolicking Rowan Williams….

  9. jim dinner says:

    Apparently the thing to do today is get some endorsements leading up to the voting…

  10. John Isbell says:

    I’ve read various appeals and this is the first one that got me to vote, staring with the title.
    However, I won’t be going back. I don’t mind that it’s massively right-wing, but when the humor category lists neither Fanatical Apathy, nor Tom Burka, nor Gen. J.C. Christian Retd., I cannot take it or its exercise seriously. They should really have found some room for Mallard Filmore though.

  11. PinkDreamPoppies says:

    As near as I can figure out, the “playful primates” and other “ecosystem” designations are a way of ranking blogs by their popularity, aka their number of regular hits. So the most popular blogs are people, the next most popular are primates, and so forth down to the least popular blogs being slime.

    I found it interesting that Atrios/Eschaton wasn’t nominated in the “Best Overall Blog” category, seeing as how it’s one of the more popular political blogs on the net and, I’d wager, is much more popular than Josh Marshall.

    Ah well… I never much liked popularity contests, but Alas has my vote.

  12. Ampersand says:

    The regular ecosystem is at least a LITTLE valid, counting as it does incoming links (or traffic, using the other measure).

    The contest I’m asking people to vote in is, on the other hand, complete meaningless garbage. But it amuses me to participate.

    And sure, the whole thing is kinda silly, self-indulgent amusement. But, y’know, that’s kinda what blogging’s all about. :-p

  13. Ampersand says:

    And by the way, Elayne, you are too nominated – look in the “best large mammals” catagory.

  14. Morrigan25 says:

    bumping for people to vote :)

  15. dch says:

    Ro-wan! Ro-wan! Ro-wan!

  16. Jimmy Ho says:

    I just revoted. Whatever the relevance of the contest, I admit it was a massive pleasure to see that you finally surpassed (or is it overtook?) Kim du Toit.

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