Taxes, The Deficit, Broken Democracy, And Other Fun Thoughts For A Monday

A new guest post by me up at Art Of The Possible.

Plus, it starts by talking about Sarah Palin, which means that I’ve filled one-tenth of the lefty blogger’s quota for Palin posts for the next two days.

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2 Responses to Taxes, The Deficit, Broken Democracy, And Other Fun Thoughts For A Monday

  1. Robert says:

    Well, if you only want to do the MINIMUM, then do your quota and then stop, you lazy lefty blogger.

    But Obama will remember who did the minimum, and who went the extra mile in digging up stories about how Palin copied from the boy next to her in third grade.

  2. Joe says:

    If only she accomplished more since third grade. As it stand now that geography quiz is her third biggest foreign policy accomplishment.

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