As much as I understand why people want to say he did. Yes, he’s a total douchebag, and here’s a hint for anyone looking for a night of romance with someone you don’t actually know: don’t be carrying around $150 large in cash.
But nobody deserves to be drugged and taken advantage of. This wasn’t rape, but it’s in the same genre of crime. We wouldn’t be laughing if a female RNC delegate had been taken back to a hotel, drugged and robbed — and we’re not sure what else. Even if she was a cobag herself. We shouldn’t be laughing about this.
What I don’t understand is why the article chooses to post what an obnoxious prick this guy is (unless of course their goal is to hint that he deserved it). I may not want to be in the same room as the victim because of his odious beliefs but I sure as hell wouldn’t wish him to be robbed like this (or robbed in any way really).
i agree that the way it’s presented does seem to bias the reader against him. i mean, i admit i’m not sorry he lost his precious $30,000 watch, but it’s not right he was robbed. i would be more sympathetic if it were someone who didn’t lose an expensive watch and belt–items which dwarf the debt i accrued attending college, i might add…
Jeff: The article has been revised: the take wasn’t $150K in cash; it was $60K in jewelry. Anybody else think it’s not kosher for a paper to revise their article without explicitly retracting erronious information?
Also, this wasn’t rape. This wasn’t even like rape. He got robbed, albeit in an unconventional manner. Given a choice between being drugged and robbed, and being beaten up and robbed, I’ll take the former, so I don’t see why I should have any more sympathy for him than I would for a guy who got beaten up and mugged.
As to why the reporter chose not to surpress the victim’s self-identification as a d-bag: yeah, it’s pure schadenfreude. So what? Yeah, in an ideal world, he wouldn’t have gotten robbed. In an ideal world, fucktards like him would be in prison. I’m not shedding any tears over him; I’ve got bigger injustices to worry about.
Hell, I don’t even believe that any robbery occurred.
The perp of this crime should be investigated after the cops get raked over the coals in deposition, and the ones responsible for the terrorist actions against protesters at the RNC should be fired and forever banned from police work.
The world’s tiniest violin is playing for Mr. Douchebag.
Nobody deserves to have a crime committed against them, whether it’s a guy flashing a $30,000 watch or a woman dressing “provocatively”. And the guy’s political or social views are about as applicable as a female rape victim’s sexual history.
However, it’s fair to point out that picking up strangers in a bar, bringing them up to your room and letting them fix you a drink out of your sight while you have expensive, highly portable and readily saleable property visible tends to make the probability of this kind of thing happening to you a lot higher than normal, and that doing it is a real bad idea. This is not “blaming the victim”, it’s just sound advice.
I also wonder why they went into such detail regarding this guy’s political views. Was it an attempt to tag him with “He deserved it”? Or that the comparison of his political views with what happened to him was ironic?
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