My 2003 Koufax Award nominees

Okay, it’s time for the second annual Koufax awards! These are the awards for “left-wing blogs” in particular (last year, I won the award for best blog design).

My favorite thing about these awards is that – hopefully – it’s a chance for folks to highlight great posts from 2003 that we’ve all forgotten about. There’s a tendency for the blogoverse to have a very short memory….

Anyhow, head on over there to make nominations, if you want to (note that we’re not voting yet – just making nominations – but not every nomination will make it to the voting ballot, so if you like something that’s already been nominated, re-nominate it yourself). You’re allowed to nominate more than one thing per catagory, if you want to. And if you’re a blogger, you’re encouraged to nominate yourself – in particular, for the “best post,” “best series,” and “best new blog” catagories.

Here are my nominations. I really suggest following the links, if you have time – these posts are really great reads, imo.

Best Blog: Nathan Newman.
Body and Soul

Best Writing: Body and Soul.

Best Single Post (I’ve emphasized posts that are over a few months old here, since I think people may have forgotten about some of these)

  • I’ll probably vote for “So Great a Cloud of Witnesses,” from Ladysisyphus’ Livejournal. But here are some other posts I’ve enjoyed this year…
  • Alas a Blog, The Absent Fatso. (Self-promotion? Me? Never.)
  • Alas a Blog, Why does the Republican party oppose banning late-term abortions? (I’d never self-promote, honest!).
  • Very Very Happy’s defense of France.
  • Pedantry, An alternative to normative liberal political theory” part two.
  • Alas, a Blog, “Where are the Feminists?” (post by Bean)
  • Late Night Thoughts, “The Attractions of the Isms.”
  • I wanted to nominate Body & Soul’s post memorializing Fred Rogers, but as far as I can tell it no longer exists online. :-(
  • Body and Soul, “My Own Thoughts on Extremism” (guest post by Don Johnson).
  • Body and Soul, “Images of a Kinder, Gentler War”
  • The Head Heeb, “Krio and the courts”
  • Long Story; Short Pier, “Radio Free Portland.”
  • Body and Soul, “A Long and Rambling Post about Women and War”
  • A Pillow Book from the Land of Artichokes, “Sex”
  • D-Squared Digest, “Log Books – an Impudent Suggestion”
  • Pedantry, “Why Israel and Palestine are not morally equivilent”

    Best Series of Posts: I’m going to do the self-promotion thing again and nominate two series of my own:
    The Wage Gap Series
    The Partial Birth Abortion Ban series

    Also, I’ll nominate Pedantry, “an alternative to normative liberal political theory,” in three parts: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

    And Body and Soul, “Looking for Alternatives,” Part I, Part II, and Part III.

    And Making Light, posts on the lootings in Iraq – start here and scroll down.

    And Prometheus 6, for his “Startin’ Stuff” series on reparations.

    And Nathan Newman, for his series of posts on the minimum wage.

    Best Single-Issue Blog: MsMusings
    Also, Baghdad Burning

    Best Group Blog: Crooked Timber

    Most Humorous Post: D-squared digest, for the SSdB series.

    Best Blog Design: My vote definitely goes to Jenn Manley Lee.
    But I think Feministe deserves a nomination, as well.

    Best New Blog: Baghdad Burning

    Best Special Effects: BlarghBlog, for the Flower and Rock series.

    UPDATE: How on earth did I forget about Echidne of the Snakes for best new blog? May the goddess forgive me.

    * * *

    Postscript: Speaking of shameless self-promotion, Alas is – amazingly – now in second place in the (right-wing dominated) Whizbang awards, “Best Playful Primate” catagory. I’m not as interested in the Whizbang awards as I am in the Koufaxes, but I am incredibly amused by this turn of events, and I encourage you all to keep voting for Alas over at Whizbang. (Remember, every 12 hours, you’re allowed to vote again!)

    In contrast, I don’t encourage you to vote for Alas at the Koufax – I mean, I’m honored to be nominated, but I think people should just nominate their favorites, whatever those may be..

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    5 Responses to My 2003 Koufax Award nominees

    1. Raznor says:

      I mentioned this in my comments to the Koufax post, but we gotta show the love to August Pollock for best design. Just saying.

      I can’t think of anything I wrote that would qualify for an award. Maybe my Vietnam historical reference series was good, but it wasn’t best series of the year good. Oh well. Maybe next year. (should have done that Clausewitz series)

    2. Jeanne says:

      I hope this doesn’t sound all self-promoting or anything, but Fred Rogers will always be with us, and so far so is Fred Rogers.

    3. Jimmy Ho says:

      Do you think it would be relevant to propose to add a “Best Cartoon/Comics blog” category (I can already think of around ten potential nominates, including you, Kevin Moore, M. B. Reid, Tom Tomorrow, Dirk Deppey, etc.)?
      That’s not a rhetorical question; I can see reasons for both pro and contra (e. g., for the latter, that there is no other “disciplinary” category; on the other hand, cartooning/comixing in a blog undoubtedly adds another dimension to the posts. Maybe “Best Use/Mention of Cartoon/Comics in a Blog”?).

    4. Jimmy Ho says:

      Forget it. I’ll propose a “Best Use of Unicode” category, so that I can shamelessly nominate myself (kidding, of course).

    5. Jimmy Ho says:

      Regarding comics and blogs, there has been a rather interesting discussion about whether journal comics could be considered like blogs on the Failure Comics forum. The first post is by Andrew Stevenson, author of The Life Of Me, which he labels himself as a “comicblog”. Kean Soo, too, has more than a few things to say on that matter.
      For what it’s worth.

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