Alas, Some Merchandise

Do to overwhelming (well, nonexistant) demand, I’ve decided to make some “Alas” merchandise available.

No, really.

Please check out my “storefront” on Cafepress. There’s tee shirts, tree ornaments, mousepads, infant clothing, and some other stuff (my favorites are the coffee mug and especially the wall clock). If you know someone especially unfussy, some of these could make good Christmas gifts, I suppose. Stranger things have happened..

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6 Responses to Alas, Some Merchandise

  1. 2
    Jake Squid says:

    Yeah, the clock rules.

  2. 3
    JRC says:

    I didn’t realize until I saw the merchandise, but I’ve been thinking of the “Yelling Mohawk and Overalls” guy from the top of the site as “Ampersand” and the “Walking, Mouth Wide Open, Librarianesque” woman as “Bean.”

    The fact that Amp has actually posted pictures of himself and looks nothing like that apparently has had no impact on my belief structure.



  3. 4
    Jimmy Ho says:

    I, too, have thought for some time that the punk “Toddler” was Ampersand himself (it somehow fitted the “alternative/radical intellectual” image I had in mind when reading his lengthy analyses), until Jenn Manley Lee posted pictures of him. Then I realised he was in fact the spectacles-wearing bearded guy at the bottom of the page. Bean was not a co-blogger yet, so I just had to wonder if the “Librarian Woman” was some personality unknown to ignorant me, or just some average character.

  4. 5
    Ampersand says:

    The fact that Amp has actually posted pictures of himself and looks nothing like that apparently has had no impact on my belief structure.

    Damn straight!

    (Okay, I mainly posted this to test out if the quote feature works in comments.)

  5. 6
    Ampersand says:

    And alas, it does not. Weird.