Lend a hand?

My next post on abstinence-only sex ed. is in the works; I hope to post it by Monday, but we’ll have to see.

Part of what’s making me delay that post is that I’m in the middle of writing a graphic novel. You’ll be hearing more about it as the script progresses (and as I continue to completely suck at drawing), but right now I need a bit of help. And since I know that all of you Alas readers are just dying to know what you can do…

One of the characters in the story lived the first eighteen or so years of her life in the foster system, but I don’t know really know all that much about that sort of thing. What I really need is some objective information on the foster care system in addition to a helping of anecdotal evidence. I’ll be busy digging around on the internet for what information there is, but if any of you want to contribute to my research (maybe you went through foster care, or have a friend or significant other or family member who did, or maybe you’ve worked in the foster system) I’d love to have the help.

You can post information in the comments section, or you can e-mail me at listentothecolourofyourdreams – at – hotmail.com. Anything you mail to me will be entirely confidential. So hey, if you wanna help someone work toward getting out of administrative-assistant-hell-world, drop me a note. Thanks!

* * * * *

Actually, I’m going to expand this cry for help a little. I’m most concerned with foster care programs, but if anyone has any experience with or knowledge of girls homes (drug rehab, etc.-type places) I’d like to hear those as well. The extent of my knowledge of such places is the psych. wing at the local hospital, but my dad was hardly a teenager.

I know I’m asking for personal stuff, but like I said: totally confidential, and it would be a big help to me. I’d like to get this stuff right and not Hollywood-ize it..

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4 Responses to Lend a hand?

  1. Elayne Riggs says:

    If writing a comic were more lucrative than “administrative-assistant-hell-world,” I’d have made the switch years ago. :) It’s a great hobby and experience, but don’t expect to make a profit from it. Looking forward to reading it someday!

  2. PinkDreamPoppies says:

    Pardon me, but I think you may be stepping on my youthful optimism.

  3. sher says:

    I live in a girls home for 2 years,spent 3 months in a psyciatric facility prior to that for them to determine the best home placement for me all because I had a bit of a temper and a real issue with attending school, translated, I skipped alot.I was only 12 when this began and was back home a few months before my 15th birthday.There was also a brief period in there where I was interviewed for foster care so I have some knowledge of that as well.Depending on what you would like to know I may be able to help you.

  4. BL says:

    Interestingly enough, I’m writing a story involve a main character who group in foster-care. I’ve waivered back in forth between telling the tale in straight traditional pose or graphic novel version…I usually go with which ever medium best suits the creative energy I may be feeling at the moment. The main character is loosely based on my own experiences growing up in foster care. My experience in the system was relatively “normal”, having said that there’s always a bit of psychological and emotional baggage that seems come with the territory even if you are one of the “lucky ones”.

    I’m not sure to what degree my experiences would be of help, but I’d be more than happy to help out anyone wanting to portray a fosterchild character in an honest, unsensationalized manner.

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