Bush in Thirty Seconds

I checked out the finalists in the Bush in Thirty Seconds competition (the winner will be announced late tonight). I thought the first-listed entry – “Child’s Play” – was by far the best of this lot – and it’s beautifully photographed, as well. Check it out.

The “humor ads” catagory wasn’t all that great, but the punchline to the “if parents acted like Bush” ad did get a laugh out of me..

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5 Responses to Bush in Thirty Seconds

  1. Hestia says:

    You know, I wasn’t terribly thrilled with any of them. They all seemed a little too “preaching to the choir” to me–that is, I’m not convinced that they’ll influence anyone who doesn’t already agree with the sentiments expressed. A lot of them lacked details. Yes, Bush trashed civil liberties–how? Yes, he lied–what exactly is the truth?

    But I’m probably being super-picky. After all, it is only 30 seconds, and I certainly haven’t seen or heard any conservative ad that’s remotely effective. I’m sure they’re all Good Enough.

    I liked the “Child’s Pay” one because I thought the metaphor worked, and “What Are We Teaching Our Children?” amused me.

  2. Tishie says:

    I thought In My Country and What Are We Teaching Our Children were the most effective. “Child’s Play” didn’t do much for me. People who don’t agree or don’t know what to think would be likely to say, “They won’t be kids when they are working it off, afterall.”

  3. dch says:

    I agree with Tishie–I like “In my country” (of course I saw the punchline coming a mile off, especially given the context, but I think it would be very effective coming out of the blue on tv) and “What are we teaching our children?” (which I found more scary than amusing). I thought “Child’s pay” was very nicely produced, but not as rich in content as those two.

    I was also surprised at how short 30 seconds really is; in the days when I watched television with any regularity, the ads always seemed interminable.

  4. Elayne Riggs says:

    A couple folks made the same mistake I initially did when congratulating the winner on my blog – the title is “Child’s PAY,” without the “l.” Once I realized my error I found I really appreciated the pun.

  5. Kristjan Wager says:

    Funny thing about that add – all the actors are Danish, as it was filmed in Denmark. And Denmark isn’t even ‘Old Europe’ as we help in the Iraq war.

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