Alas has seen quite an increase in trolling over the past few days. Lots of gloating over prop 8, telling us we’re going to hell, praying for our destruction, and all sorts of other Christian things. Also, complaints about the evil plottings of the Alasjews. Ohnoes! Not Jews!
I wonder what’s got these people all riled up?
I haven’t personally been in too much of a celebratory mood (though I wept during Obama’s acceptance speech, and again when I read this post by Kate Harding — my president is black!), but if you would like to savor the yummy, delicious taste of your opponent’s defeat, I recommend some shadenfreude pie.
You know I think every single liberal blog has had a deluge of this kind of thing recently. I have had to suspend my no deletion button policy on my comment section. One of my favorite GLBT blogs has had an invasion of fundamentalist Christians and Mormons trying to convert the readers. I think they need to stop the drama and just get over it. They lost and that is that.
My Obama/antichrist hits went through the roof yesterday. Really!
from the electoral maps, it looks like we’ve got those red states completely surrounded. Surrender, Dorothy! !
You know, I still hope that once they’ve calmed down they might actually learn something from this whole experience. I know some of them are beyond that (Larry Johnson, for one) but surely some of them will get used to living in the real world?
Did the WSJ editorial board ever, in 8 years of peace and prosperity, get used to having a president Clinton, or did they keep claiming that he’d murdered Vince Foster to the bitter end? (I figure they didn’t want to accept the guilt of Foster’s outlined resignation letter — often described as a “suicide note” — that said the WSJ’s criticism was one reason he felt he couldn’t continue.)
To paraphrase KO on MSMBC the other night, they know that what they say and write doesn’t matter anymore. That doesn’t mean they’re going to give up or shut up anytime soon, though.