Mission: Impossible

Dear reader, I have failed you… I was determined this year to watch the state of the union address and write a post about it. After a minute, though, I left the room where my dad was watching it. I’ve passed through the room a couple times only to find myself getting mad at Mr. Bush for saying that women in Afghanistan are free and treated fairly, among other things.

I tried, but I just couldn’t stand to listen to him. If any posts are written by me on the state of the union address, it’ll be after I read a transcript..

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20 Responses to Mission: Impossible

  1. Ananna says:

    The pre-released script is available at the Washington Post.

    I doubt he’ll be doing much improvising and there’ll probably be a few gaffes that aren’t in the script.

    Good luck making it all the way through it. This guy is insistent on destroying the United States and the people who live in it.

  2. kim says:

    I can’t bear to watch either! The hypocrisy is too…painful and surreal. I’ll probably check out the transcript in the paper tomorrow.

  3. pseu says:

    I don’t have the stomach for it either. Everytime I see that self-important, smug, smirking expression and hear that voice full of mock sincerity I just want to throw things at the TV. And I can’t afford a new TV just right now.

  4. dave says:

    It’s no kidding about the smirk! Half the time the guy actually seemed to be fighting back laughter over the little joke he was playing.

    My favorite bits in the ABC coverage, at least, were the shots of Ten Kennedy looking down and shaking his head in forlorn disbelief, the shots of Hillary Clinton grimacing, and the shot of some Rep’s kid wincing at the school drug-testing spiel.

  5. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    “On an issue of such great consequence, the people’s voice must be heard. If judges insist on forcing their arbitrary will upon the people, the only alternative left to the people would be the constitutional process. – Pres. Shrub – 2004, State of the Union”

    He for got ‘except if you’re the supreme court, during an election year’ I think.

  6. PDM says:

    Bush ought to be reported to Ammnesty International—his SOTU address qualifies as torture……

  7. spiralsands says:

    Even the token military men and woman looked disgusted and unhappy, like they were being used. bUSH shook hands with the military chiefs-of-staff at the end of his speech and none of them were smiling either. I got the impression that when the handshake was over, they dropped his hand like a hot potato.

  8. Tor says:

    The Joint Chiefs seemed fairly happy to me, after all, (1) they’ve been given a blank check (2) they aren’t on the front lines, are they? But the four token soldiers must have driven Rove crazy. Those were the least enthusiastic soldiers I have ever seen. How did they get invited? Couldn’t the RNC have found some fine upstanding republicans? Whenever they bothered to clap, it looked just like a kid who has been told to clap, but is determined to do the absolute minimum possible. The only time they really applauded was when Shrub said he would take care of the veterans – but they didn’t look like they believed him either.

    I watched ABC also, I didn’t think I could stomach any of the other networks.

  9. julie says:

    I have never seen the military so unenthusiastic about a Republican president as they are about Bush (I have been married to an Army officer for 18 years). I have lived in Europe for 7 of the last 18 years, and it has been only during Bush’s tenure that the military television service in Europe has played ads about the uniform military code of justice as it relates to disrespecting the Commander-in-Chief. Maybe President Bush will be the one to lose the stranglehold the Repubs have on the military — maybe they will realize that the Repub view of a strong military doesn’t include taking care of their soldiers, sailors, airmen, etc.
    On the positive side, being in the Netherlands means I was sound asleep when the SOTU was happening and missed the whole thing. Dang. Course the AFN (Armed Forces Network) news channel was broadcasting Fox News so I got the conservative slant on it over my Wheaties…

  10. Kevin Moore says:

    Man, any of us could have written that speech. It was so @*%# predictable! “We will defeat them with lies. We will win with fraud. We will keep America safe. Except for homos. Seniors: take it or leave it. Edumacation for all. No token left behind. Charity for all God’s children. Anyone for Mars? God bless our soldiers. Fuck the poor.”

    Oh, and the bit about “activist judges” has been around since desegregation. Funny, that.

  11. Hestia says:

    Didn’t watch the SOTU, either, and I’ve never been happier to not own a TV. I knew what he was going to say, I knew how he was going to say it, and I knew I’d be ill if I listened. Complete waste of time, and anyway, actions speak louder than words.

    From what I heard on NPR this morning, he didn’t mention Mars or the moon at all, but he did talk about steroids. When did steroids become a campaign issue? I must’ve missed it…

  12. apu says:

    Thanks for mentioning the bit about women in Afghanistan — that’s the part that forced me to turn it off too. It’s doubly frustrating because there actually is something positive to say about the place; with the Taliban so evil, how could there not be? But, to stand up and say that the girls are back in school is a sad lie.

  13. dave says:

    I have doubts as to how many Afghani kids actually are back in school, seeing as how we blew up most of their schools and GW never signed over the rebuilding money he promised.

    Also… nobody mention Amnesty International. GW said “I oppose amnesty.” I think that was about the time I was pissing myself.

  14. Charles2 says:

    I watched it – and wished I hadn’t. I think I shook my head in disbelief more than Ted Kennedy. Pandering would be kind.

    The only bright spot was the Dems applauding and cheering when Shrubby said that Patriot Act would lapse next year. I loved it.

  15. Chasmyn says:

    The transcript will make you mad, as well.

  16. Tor says:

    I noticed the steroid comments as well… My understanding is that baseball is professional sport most lax on drug testing – steroid use is rampant according to many current and former players. But Bush mentions it as if it suddenly became an issue this year. Bush was an owner of the Texas Rangers, but I don’t remember any huge steroid initiatives coming out of Texas then. I believe Bush was an owner when Bonds broke a several year long string of unremarkable hitting to break the home run record. It wasn’t steroids, I’m sure he just practiced a lot. Sometime this summer, Bush will ‘discover’ that we have a deficit problem as well. Will wonders never cease…

  17. Tom Dissento says:

    I could only handle the SOTU in five minute doses. Spare yourself the anguish; we’ll give you a pass on this…

  18. nolo says:

    Beer and the freedom to yell obscenities (and make rude noises) helped me get through the ordeal. Sadly, the Democratic response was kinda painful as well.

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