Teh Funnies

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10 Responses to Teh Funnies

  1. 1
    Jeff Fecke says:

    It’s stuff like this that reminds me to be grateful to Bill Watterston for retiring before his strip became hackneyed; he could have played it safe, and kept his very marketable juggernaut going forever, while it slowly became Dennis the Menace. Instead, he ended it. Thanks, Bill.

  2. I realize the strip was published in the ’80s, but imagine if the last panel was published on or after 9/11

  3. 3
    Jack Stephens says:

    It’s stuff like this that reminds me to be grateful to Bill Watterston for retiring before his strip became hackneyed

    I know, I think that way about The Simpsons. I look at some of the old stuff and smile and then I quickly get pissed off because it’s still on air and it’s new stuff is so bad I don’t even bother watching it anymore. So disappointing.

    One think I loved about Watterson was his huge fight against the syndicate that published his strip; they wanted to turn it into Garfield with Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, mugs, shirts, etc. He fought them every inch of the way; not only that he also fought for more creative freedom for Sunday comics and for more space for comics in newspapers in general.

  4. 4
    Ampersand says:

    Even more than that, Watterson’s fight about with the syndicate was about who should own the strip. The syndicate owned it; Watterson said they should give it to him. That Watterson won that fight is amazing.

    Watterson gave a great speech against syndicate ownership of comic strips; you can find the text of it here.

  5. 5
    Doug S. says:

    I wonder what Bill Watterson thinks about webcomics?

  6. Amp,

    The link you gave is about abortion…not exactly related to Watterson’s fight against syndication ownership, don’t ya’ think? ;)

  7. 7
    Hershele Ostropoler says:

    The abortion debate is about who has the right to control a woman’s body, a connection can be made.

    I mean, I don’t know that that was the intent of the link, but there you go.

  8. 8
    Ampersand says:

    Heh. No, that wasn’t the intent of the link. Here’s the post I intended to link to.

  9. 9
    Bjartmarr says:

    Yesterday’s Pearls Before Swine strip perfectly summed up how I feel about newspaper comic pages these days.

  10. 10
    Jack Stephens says:

    Bjartmarr: Good one! Golf gags were one thing Watterson hated most of all; that and especially not relating to an audience. Great comic.