Video: Unarmed Palestinian-American Activist Confronts Israeli Soldiers

A clip from a Korean news show:

I could never, ever do that.

This is an extreme case of “information via internet.” Is any of this information reliable? Who knows?

According to Juan Cole:

She is being identified by my facebook friends as Huwaida Arraf, a Detroiter married to Adam Shapiro, a University of Michigan Poli Sci graduate, and a founder of International Solidarity Movement, a nonviolent activist organization.

A comment on the Youtube page:

This is the town of Balin near Ramallah. Every week a demonstration is held there protesting the wall being built around the town. Usually with heavy presence of Israeli and western peace activists.

And sadly, although the protests are usually peaceful, there are multiple cases of rubber shots wounds and suffocation of tear gas every week.

This video is not new, it was shot at least one year ago.

Eurosabra, in Feministe’s comments, says that the red tape on the soldier’s magazine cartridge indicates that the gun is firing rubber-tipped bullets.

David Nett, in Juan Cole’s comments, writes:

What strikes me in this is how casual the soldiers are as the aim and prepare to fire. Clearly they are in no imminent danger — as they are being confronted by the brave girl, they are not taking cover behind rocks or barriers. They are standing in the open, up straight, on top of a rock in one case, and carefully taking aim to fire at the demonstrators. Their body language is clear — they are not afraid for their own well-being. And yet, absent this girl’s intervention, they seem to have no reservation about casually firing into a crowd that poses no threat to them.

Of course, as I’m sure people will point out, the Israelis could have done far worse than they did — they did not shoot or beat Arraf, they were using rubber bullets, etc.. I don’t believe that “they could have done worse” is the appropriate measure, however.

Curtsy: Flip Flopping Joy.

Posted in Palestine & Israel      

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3 Responses to Video: Unarmed Palestinian-American Activist Confronts Israeli Soldiers

  1. Richard says:

    The conclusive solution to silence radical Palestinian groups will be to establish an international military force to police Gaza and the West Bank headed by a contagion of forces from the more secular Arab countries to ensure the smooth transition to a strong Palestinian state. If there is a well crafted plan to create a Palestinian state, I think most of the Arab countries will readily send troops to help develop a viable Palestinian state.

    A peaceful Middle East will definitely have a lot of ramifications. A peaceful Middle East will stem the tide and accelerate a decline in radical Islam. There is no greater hope than that the Israelis and Palestinians get tired of their tortuous past full of wars then sit down and work towards a peaceful Middle East.

  2. Desipis says:

    …contagion of forces from the more secular Arab countries…

    I’m wondering if there actually are any “secular” Arab countries that could afford to endure the political backlash for the appearance of becoming a servant of Israel.

  3. Eurosabra says:

    I’m afraid that a “contagion” of Arab forces will fuel unwarranted fears about alleged Oriental dirtiness, sloth, and pollution.

    A quick look at Israel’s other borders: Egypt’s forces have been very good at maintaining the peace in Sinai, but somewhat deadly to illegal border crossers like Darfuri refugees seeking asylum in Israel. One terror incident resulted from a moonlighting Jordanian soldier in the late 90s. Currently, no Arab state wants the land or the job.

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