I'm Sure His Coffin Will Be Lined With Rich, Corinthian Leather

Ricardo Montalban, dead at the age of 88.

This, of course, was his greatest triumph:

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4 Responses to I'm Sure His Coffin Will Be Lined With Rich, Corinthian Leather

  1. And Khan looked utterly fabulous, too!

  2. Thank G-d I never saw the trailer and went straight to seeing the movie. Because if I’d seen that trailer, I’d have given up all hope.

  3. Ampersand says:

    Obama should end his inaugural address by saying “yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we…


    I think that would be totally appropriate.

  4. Krupskaya says:

    We watched the “Space Seed” episode of Star Trek last night in his honor (it was a tossup between that and a Prisoner or Danger Man ep, in honor of Patrick McGoohan)…Montalban was even more fabulous as the ’60s Khan, I think.

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