Via Our Decent Into Madness, jewelry by Melanie Bilenker. She creates the lines by using individual strands of her own hair.
So, umn: Wow.
Anyhow, please use this thread for whatever you’d like; self-promotion is extremely welcome.
Via Our Decent Into Madness, jewelry by Melanie Bilenker. She creates the lines by using individual strands of her own hair.
So, umn: Wow.
Anyhow, please use this thread for whatever you’d like; self-promotion is extremely welcome.
I am simultaneously in awe of what can be accomplished with such a challenging medium – she can sculpt lines out of hair better than I can draw them with a pen… and also rather squicked. The idea of jewelery containing human detritus is kinda icky.
Somehow, it would be less gross if it were animal hair of some kind.
Do you mean she dips the hairs in ink and draws with them, or does she glue them in place? I had assumed the former, and figured that she might be, having at least 2 different gauges of hair on her head, and so able to get different line widths. But it is too early in the morn for me to remember to RTFA.
I have a wool shirt, and I don’t think that’s gross. I f human hair worked as well I would use it, or buy products made from it. I would consider the quality of the final product more important than the provenance of the media. There is this painter who reportedly once mixed leachate in with his paint–I don’t recall his name, he is sort of a modern Audubon–but we were not shown that particular result. There are some media that I wouldn’t be that keen on working with!
I’m such a cartoon geek that I spent money tracking rare cartoons down…and it wasn’t worth it.
To fans of World War II cartoons, here’s a secret, unknown side of Hank “Dennis the Menace” Ketcham.
And 123 Arnold comic strips
Whoops – looking over her site, she obviously uses her hair as a quill and I’m an idiot.
I’m not sure exactly how her pieces are created. It’s evidently a very time-consuming process, however. I’ve emailed a museum curator who may be able to say; if I find out, I’ll post a comment here.
According to the curator at The Oregon College of Arts and Crafts, which is currently exhibiting some of her work, “She uses photographs of her everyday life as the starting point for her work. She then works from the photos to construct miniature line drawings of quiet domestic scenes, using stands of her or her subject’s hair set in resin.”
He got that information from the artist.
So apparently it is strands of hair in resin. (Which explains why it apparently takes her weeks to produce a single three-inch drawing, judging from how much work she produces a year.)
My partner is horrified by the popularity of Paul Blart.
Meanwhile, as I wait for the new administration to restore science to its rightful place, I urge parents to raise their own kids
Heellllo Alas peeps!
I want to tell you about what’s up at The Czech:
This one is breaking: Kansas Women Seeking Abortion May Be Required to Listen to Fetal Heartbeat
Can Fairness Be Forced? about whether race and gender quotas in government & politics would be a good thing.
And I’m wondering why it is that the MSM completely f’ed up coverage of Obama’s repeal of the Global Gag Rule.
Alas’ers are more than welcome to join these discussions, if you like.
I’ve always suffered from a certain amount of self-loathing. You won’t be surprised to hear that people don’t exactly relish my company. It’s been a long road, but I’ve finally reached a sense of peace with my worthlessness. Even so, I was a bit taken aback when I read this:
Well, ok. I probably deserved that. Pretty much what I’ve come to expect anyway….
Okay, in the first thread I talk about the local PETA women getting naked, then one comment says HEY, it isn’t just the women! Men are welcome to participate, but men are just more modest than women!
Hmmm. Really? In the second thread, I ask, Why do you suppose that is?
And in the “Hooray for the expiration of copyright!” department:
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
why does human hair in a piece of jewelry make so many people recoil? It was common practice to put a lock of your lovers hair round your neck not so long ago..
Hi by the way – I don’t have anything to promote, but I would like some links! I kind of stumbled on this blog and can’t stop reading… I recently joined the woman’s association at my university and need
a) educating – the history of feminism, the best books to read, names I should know, so if you know any websites that I should look at please let me know!
b) exposure – from how to construct arguments, to the varying feminist views of today.. so I’m going to try to start joining in with some of the comments that you leave on the blogs – please don’t rip me to shreds!