Battlestar Galactica open thread: The Last Supper

Use this thread for any “Battlestar Galactica” related comments you’d like to share. No spoilers of not-yet-broadcast episodes, please, but spoilers for already-broadcast episodes are fine, and so is speculation.

(There are a couple of spoilers of the January 16th episode in my post, so stop reading if you want to avoid that.)

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I love this publicity image for “Battlestar Galactica”; it makes fun of how self-serious the program is, and at the same time I can’t help but search it for clues and meaning.

Click on the image for a larger copy, or click here for a much larger copy. (Image was downloaded from Drew Cypher’s BSG gallery, with a curtsy to the BSG Last Supper blog).

Looking at the image now, I think two mysteries of the image have definitely been cleared up: We know what Laura Roslin is burning, and we know that the empty place at the table is for Ellen Tigh (next to Saul, appropriately).

Also, just watched “The Face Of The Enemy.” Man, has that guy not been having a good year.

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4 Responses to Battlestar Galactica open thread: The Last Supper

  1. Elkins says:

    I know what you mean. Tyrol’s “Is this a dagger I see before me?” pose rather scares me, to tell you the truth.

    And yes, alas, poor Gaeta. The BSG universe is positively brutal on idealists.

  2. Jeff Fecke says:

    Note that there’s a chalice in the gap between Tigh and Lee; not only is it symbolic of Ellen, but it’s symbolic of how Ellen died — if she died, I have my doubts now.

    I also wonder at the symbolism of the books. Note, in front of Tigh, a closed book, symbolizing ending. In front of the Agathons, an open book, symbolizing a work in progress. It could symbolize the end of the old, Final Five order, and the start of something new — or it could symbolize the fates of their children, Tigh and Caprica’s unborn child, and Hera.

    I do love Baltar’s positioning. In the canon (and, IMHO, correct) interpretation of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper, that’s John’s position. But in the pop culture/Dan Brown version — which had to factor into the staging — that’s Mary “Mrs. Jesus” Magdalene’s spot.

    As for Gaeta — well, I think Verbal Kint said it best — How do you shoot the devil in the back? And what if you miss? If Gaeta’s gunning for the Old Man, he’d damn well better take Bill Adama out, because I do not forsee Felix surviving if he doesn’t.

    I continue to be awed by this series, and am really looking forward to the last eight episodes.

  3. Danny says:

    Since my last comment was lost with IE decided it didn’t want to work anymore here is a short version.

    Roslin: Pretty sure she is looking at Bill (who does not seem to be looking back). Wonder what the flame and lit match are for?

    Diana: She seems to be pointing at Six or the Agathons. But given the looks on the Agathons faces (who seem to be looking back at her) I think she is looking at them.

    Tigh: If the chalice near is infact symbolic of Ellen like Jeff says then I would also point out how it seems that he is not looking at the chalice. Perhaps meaning that even if she is not dead she is at least dead to him?

    Lee: Jeff mentions the possible symbolism of the books on the table. Lee appears to be staring intently at the one on the far left. Could it mean that he will take things into his own hands in order to bring about a conclusion to all of this?

    (I would also like to question the target of the book’s possible symbolism. Lee seems to be looking at it, it’s in front of Tigh, and it’s within Roslin’s grasp. Or maybe its there will be some connection between those three?)

    I’m still trying to get a read on Baltar and Six so I’ll skip them.

    Sam/Starbuck: The way Sam is kissing her head the first thing I thought of was a goodbye. Not sure what kind of goodbye (maybe one betrays the other, maybe one makes a big sacrifice, etc…) but a final goodbye nonetheless. I’m certain that they will not be together by the end of all this and I’m willing to bet that at least one of them will die.

    Tyrol: Powderkeg waiting to go off. He has represented the frustrated worker (remember the revolt he led back in season 2 or 3?), he has become a father (which has its own challenges), he has been on the run just like everyone else, he found out he was a cylon, he lost his wife, and it looks like he is the unofficial spokesman for the cylons that seek refuge with the fleet. Add that to what was just revealed this past episode and I think the only questions left are when will he snap and who/what will he snap on.

    The Agathons: With the apprehensive look on her face (and the way she is backing away) and the angry look on his face I think they feel threatened. Whether its for their own safety or for their child they seem to be scared of something. The possible accusatory-like stare from Diana doesn’t help either.

    Bill: Of all the poses his worries me the most. With him sitting on the edge of the table and not looking at anyone (not even returning Roslin’s possible stare) he looks like he is ready to wash his hands of everything. He looks like he is ready to give up.

    Gaeta: He and VP have struck a deal to start a revolution. I’m betting that both of them intend to use the other to climb to the top. I don’t see them pulling off anything huge like killing Adama but they will do some heavy damage to the situation. In the end I see one killing the other and then he get killed by someone in the fleet (like Tigh).

  4. Doug S. says:

    So, Baltar’s preaching has taken quite a turn in last Friday’s episode. I wonder what is going to become of him and his cult?

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