“Alas” is moving to a new server. So for a few days, you’ll find Alas here – at http://amptoons.poliblog.com/blog/ – rather than at the usual address.
This will only take a few days, after which the www.amptoons.com/blog/ address will be working again. Thanks for your patience, folks.
Hey, and while I’m thanking people – a big thanks and a big sloppy kiss (MWAH!) goes to Jenn Manley Lee, who has been kind enough to host amptoons for the past year or two. Thanks, Jenn!
And a big thanks (minus the sloppy kiss, since I don’t know him as well as I know Jenn) to Eric Brunner-Williams (probably best known to blog readers as Mary Beth Williams’ hubby) for being the new host for amptoons.com. Thanks, Eric!.
(Sings) I am teeeeeeeeeeesting the new comments!
(End of singing)
Well, the first test went pretty well, so I’ll try a second one.
Hmmn. Funny, it’s not emailing the comments to me since I installed MT-Blacklist. Test, test.
Check one. Check two.
And yet another test.
Waht is this, the fifth test? Anyhow, this is the test I did after re-installing mt-blacklist.
Adn this is the test after I reinstalled MT-BL and remembered to CHMOD the files to the correct setting.
Okay, now I’m trying again after having deleted all the mt-blacklist stuff. Why am I not receiving these comments via email?
I’m not getting comments via e-mail, either, Amp.
Hmmn… okay, I officially pronounce myself bewildered.
PDP, have you edited your user profile in MT and added your email address?
Okay, now I’ve received a couple of emails – but I don’t know why. I think that comcast.net, my ISP, may be screwing up, but if PDP isn’t recieving email either than I don’t know what’s up. So I’ve reinstalled MT-blacklist and we’ll see what happens.
I’ve edited my profile. I’m just waiting for someone to comment on a post I’ve written. ;)
Could it be that you’re simply not getting e-mail for posts that you yourself write? That happened to me for awhile over at jennworks, but I don’t fathom the mysteries of Moveable Type enough to tell you why.
Okay, I’m getting mail now.
Do you think if I sacrifice something to MT it will impart on me its divine secrets?
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