Frustrated, horrified, frightened, dismayed, disgusted, appalled....
No worries, Dianne. We're all frustrated with the current situation. (Or I am, anyway.)
I apologize for my last comment. Trump's election is the fault of Trump voters and no one else (well, Putin,…
And thank you everyone who decided that Biden wasn't pure enough for you and stayed home: Incompetent NSC means…
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.
As a white person, I’d love to not have collective responsibility for the Nooge anymore. Unfortunately, he remains the whitest guy in the planet, a guy so racist that he literally lost a gig opening for Kiss because he couldn’t shut up about how much he hates immigrants. During a gig in San Antonio. Srsly.
God, I haven’t thought about Ted Nugent in years. I have vague but fond memories of the Cat Scratch Fever album (I think that was the name of the album, not just the song) from before I knew anything about his politics, but, yeah, he’s white.
Who’s Ted Nugent?
Bless you for not knowing, Susan.
count me in with susan. i know the name sounds familiar, but I don’t know who it is.
Ted Nugent is what happens when you mix glam rock, the worst elements of the NRA, and the KKK with way too much meth and coke, shake vigorously, and serve. No ice (because he didn’t stay cool for very long… get it?).
*to the tune of the Jello jingle*
H-e-l-l-no! *jazz hands*
i remember as a kid my dad would play ted nugent’s music for me. i was drilled on nugent’s songs, and it was mandatory that i could sing to them. he almost sent me to nugent’s hunting camp. and thinking about how white my dad is, yeah, nugents the whitest of the white. ha. and so, in rebelling against my dad and his music, i listen to rap to spite him. plus it’s just cool.
Given what’s happening in Illinois, I was amused by this wikipedia entry:
“Nugent also was rumoured to be under consideration by the Illinois Republican Party as its candidate in that state’s 2004 Senate race.”
I assume it’s a reference to this:
which was posted by a commenter at ABW.
Oh. My. God.
Ted, stick to marketing Kill It and Grill It.
And as much as I love Alan Keyes, this only makes me wish harder that the Illinois GOP had succeeded in recruiting Nugent….
Can’t you just do an image search?
Everyone knows race is always abundantly clear from image searches.
Holy crap. I had no idea that Carol Channing was biracial. Wow. I am flabbergasted.
Ted Nugent’s race looks pretty abundantly clear by an image search, especially if you compare more than one photo.
An image search proves his race at least as well as the opinions of a handful of strangers on the internet.
Sure, Shae, but then we wouldn’t have had this lovely thread. All in all, I think things have worked out just fine.
When’s “soon?” I have been following this thread with bemused curiosity.
I was about to ask the same question… I really want to know what whacked out thing Nugent’s said or done this time.
I’d guess it’s that he calls himself, “… “a large, in charge, ruggedly independent, angry black man…”
See here.
…which seems to be a strangely updated version of his opinion piece from last February (which can be found here).
I just can’t even count the ways in which that is offensive.
Compare as many pictures of Carol Channing as you like. You’ll never find one that most Americans would agree would make her visually identifiable as a person of color.
Sometimes things are varied or complicated. Rather than complain at Tempest for not doing her research, why don’t you pass on the thread or answer the question?
I said this over @ ABW: “As far as the Nuge: Um, I’m going with white. Because if he was Black, wow, the level of self-hatred and internalized oppression would make Ward Connerly look like Huey P. Newton.
Jus’ sayin.
BTW, Nuge: who the eff are you to weigh in on what you clearly can’t respect, let alone know?”