Post what you like, with whomever you like, for as long as you like. Self-linking is fun for everyone.
And while you’re at it, check out these two blog carnivals.
Welcome everyone to what I hope will be the first of many blog carnivals dedicated to the voices of women of colour and our allies. In every sphere of life women of colour are marginalized and exploited. Often, when we attempt to engage to change our circumstances we are silenced. This carnival is our attempt to give voice to our shared issues.
And at Abyss2hope, the 65th (!) Carnival Against Sexual Violence. Marcella is fundraising to attend WAM, so if you can spare a few bucks please follow the link and hit the donate button.
Professor What If and Feminist Review will have some interesting cross-posting going on later today.
An anti-Prop 8 cartoon made by a staff artist working on Nick’s “Fairly OddParents”
Thank you for the linky love for the carnival.
Mocking Henrietta Hughes Proves The GOP Has No Heart: Malkin and Limbaugh attack the poor homeless woman who begged Obama for help at the recent townhall meeting. Apparently welfare for the banks is no problem but help for the poor is simply wrong.
White Women, Black Men, Rape and Historical Complexities: Looking at the case of a wongfully convicted black man and the role that race played in the case against him.
Baby Wipes Terrence Howard Thinks Chris Brown Is A Good Guy: Looking at the apologism that is happening in reference to the Chris and Rihanna incident of domestic violence.
Okay Americans It’s On: George Bush is coming to Alberta to give his first post presidential address. We Canadians think of this as an act of war and have prepared our
Apparently welfare for the banks is no problem but help for the poor is simply wrong.
I don’t think Malkin and Limbaugh were in favor of “welfare for the banks” (aka government purchase of equity in order to infuse capital). They were both negative about TARP.
I just posted a response to Bitch Ph.D.’s Dollhouse questionnaire.
And on Friday, I posted my interview with Renee of Womanist Musings.
Let me apologize for ruffling feathers in a previous comment thread on Battlestar Galactica. My attempt at sarcasm/humor obviously fell flat. Again, I’m sorry.
For some reason, I came here from another place and believed it to be a slightly-conservative blog. I no longer believe that to be true.
I don’t know if it’s blog worthy but in my city of over 350,000, there’s been no distribution of many of the weekly magazines, mostly of the entertainment variety. I’ve been querying businesses and received a variety of responses why. I’m thinking one vendor covers most of the city and this person went out of business.
Apology accepted, RoD.
Damn whippersnappers playing with your BSG and yer fancy-shancy Dollhouse.
In my day we didn’t have no Dollhouse. We had Twin Peaks. And then Lost. No, maybe Lost isn’t shiny and flashy, but it was good enough for, oh, the last few years, and it’s still got plenty of serviceable miles on it.
Or maybe not. Cuz something was seriously wrong with last night’s episode. It was the culmination of a plot line that has been building for years, and it was – flat? No, it was concaved. Everything seemed forced. The characters seemed largely disconnected to their situation. Sure, that’s normal for Ben. But are all the characters becoming Ben?
For example, (and here’s a spoiler warning – assuming that disclosing a fact that is thus far unrelated to anything else in the plot is spoiling something) Ben’s character walks around with his arm in a sling and blood pouring off his face. And how do the other characters react to this? The don’t. Apparently they’re so accustomed to living in the world of the inexplicable that they’ve grown numb. As a member of the audience, I’m getting there, too.
Perhaps this episode reflected the dynamics of the recent BSG episode: the series is winding up and we have a lot of plot to get through, so here’s your exposition-and-skip-ahead episode.
Or perhaps we’re in Twin Peaks land. That series just got weirder and weirder until nothing made sense – and then ended, resolution-free.
Which will it be? Stay tuned. Or not.