Mark's Crazy Spinach Face

This kid is the master of facial expressions.  I’ve caught him making some of the goofiest faces.  He was making this face over and over again a few weeks ago.  Believe it or not he actually likes the spinach, but he just has a funny way of showing it.

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5 Responses to Mark's Crazy Spinach Face

  1. Ampersand says:


    What I love is the intense eyes and eyebrows. He has the eyes of a hero from a Jack Kirby comic book.

  2. chingona says:

    I can see that he’s savoring it. Very cool.

  3. Sewere says:

    I burst out laughing when I saw that picture. That looks like a cross between a “dun-dun-duuuun” and “dr. evil” face.

  4. Spinach says:

    That is hilarious. This will be one of those pictures that’s gets passed around the table during holidays year after year.

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