"Eros, Philia, Agape" published on Tor.com

Congrats are due Mandolin, whose short story “Eros, Philia, Agape” has just been published on Tor’s website (under her real-life name, Rachel Swirsky). At that link, you can either read the story in prose form, or click on the “listen” link to hear the story being read to you by Mandolin herself.

Tor is a major science fiction publisher, so this is very good news indeed.

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6 Responses to "Eros, Philia, Agape" published on Tor.com

  1. nojojojo says:

    WOO!!! Congrats to Mandolin! ::off to read::

  2. RonF says:

    Congratulations! Especially publishing with Tor – that’s great!

  3. Jake Squid says:

    Congratulations. I really like the story.

  4. Sailorman says:

    That’s a kickass story.

  5. Eva says:

    Mandolin – really good story, and you have a great reading voice, too =).

  6. mla says:

    Is this just an online story or is it published and carried in bookstores?

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