Pirates and Emperors

Since we’re all very deeply concerned with the issue of Somali Pirates now, I thought it would be a great opportunity to repost a video from a little while back about piracy, government thuggery, and the difference between them. Special guest star: Saint Augustine!

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3 Responses to Pirates and Emperors

  1. ed says:

    Freakin’ brilliant. Required viewing for all grade schoolers, and everyone else.

  2. sanabituranima says:

    It’s suprising how much of a “lefty” St. Augustine was.
    (Actually, it’s not at all surprising when one knows what a relatively recent phenomenon the Christian Right is.)

  3. Elkins says:

    I am far too embarrassed to relate just how long it took me to realize that this was not, in fact, an actual Schoolhouse Rock segment. Perhaps I can just chalk it down to the brain-dulling meds I’m on? Please?

    Awesomely done. The animation, music, lyrical style, and vocal style were all just perfectly spot-on.

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