So you’re working at your office, and you hear gunshots outside. Looking into the hall, you see a young man out there and let him into your office so he doesn’t get caught in the crossfire. A couple of minutes later, the army bangs on your door. You let them in, and they arrest the young man, who they say is a terrorist.
Do you now deserve to be bulldozed? You do according to Meryl Yourish, who reports that someone the Israeli Army claims is a terrorist was arrested in the offices of the International Solidarity Movement, the organization Rachel Corrie worked with. The Jerusalem Post article Meryl links to doesn’t bother describing what happened from the ISM’s point of view, but the New York Times article does:
As far as I can tell, Haaretz didn’t even consider this story important enough to report on, but anti-Palestinians all over the blogoverse are crowing about it.
this is, without a doubt, the single weirdest spam filter dodging schtick I’ve ever seen.
it’s actually kind of cool, in a surrealist sort of way.
but man, I think that creepy, recurring computer thing in my dreams is gonna have some new dialogue.
even the name, Alen (with an e) Trivette, at once seems authentic and artificial.
yeah, if I were the NEA, I’d give this guy… dunno… five grand to put together a public display? probably in either Chicago or Oklahoma City.