Who Wears the Pants, then and now?

Check out this excellent Echidne of the Snakes post, contrasting what’s going on in Kenya today with what was happening in the West a couple of centuries ago. Here’s a bit of the news from Kenya:

In recent weeks, local radio stations have been receiving calls from emotionally charged men – and some women as well – claiming that by wearing trousers, women are not only provoking men to rape them, but are also largely responsible for the spread of HIV/Aids in the country.
Most of the callers argue that only men should wear trousers, with some quoting verses from the Bible to the effect that women should not wear men’s clothing and vice-versa. Others even claim that some women wear trousers to disguise their intention of usurping their husbands’ role as the head of the family.

Read the whole thing..

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2 Responses to Who Wears the Pants, then and now?

  1. Simon says:

    They were trousers to -disguise- their intent of usurping the role of head of the family? Seems to me that, by the twisted reasoning of the anti-trousers crowd, the women are telegraphing their intent.

    Of course what they’re really telegraphing is their intent to wear trousers. I bet a large part of the Sunbelt population growth over the decades was due to women tired of having to wear skirts in cold northern winters and having the wind blow up their legs.

  2. Emma says:

    I agree that the Bible indicates that women shouldn’t wear trousers, and also that husbands are heads of households. IMHO feminism is ungodly.

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