A photograph is not a caricature

Dear Washington Post blogger,

A photograph is not a caricature, so please don’t put it in a “what’s the best caricature?” poll, okay? Because the fact that a plurality of readers of a blog about cartooning, voted for the photo as the best caricature, is just embarrassing.

Via: Kevin Moore and Matt Bors, both of whom recreate John Sherffius’ feat of caricature in about five minutes.

ETA: Just to be clear, I’m not anti- using photos. I use photos all the time. But it’s not caricature.

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One Response to A photograph is not a caricature

  1. Kevin Moore says:

    To clarify, I don’t claim to have made that recreation in 5 minutes. Certainly modifying the Ayatollah Khomeini’s picture with threshold took less than a minute. But adding a decent looking jail to the beard and getting it to blend in took more time as I experimented with different jails and textures. So…half an hour? Add another 15 minutes searching for the right Miley Cyrus pic.

    That said, it would have taken just as much time for me to just draw the concept: caricature of Khomeini and beard jail and prisoner, much more organic looking and artistic — and possibly funny. I don’t understand why Sherffius, who has decent drawing chops, just didn’t draw that damn thing.

    So — THAT said — I wouldn’t have drawn such a stupid idea, anyway. Khomeini’s been dead two decades now. I think there are different power players in Iranian politics. Perhaps we should mock THOSE people. Just sayin’.

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