Because there must be room in the world for fun, here’s a random timewastin’ web site: Apocryphacts. With the tag line of “Trivia so good you’ll wish it was true,” how can it go wrong? A sample:
The film Love Actually, though it claims to portray love in all its myriad manifestations, is actually missing several common situations, such as “Zeus seduces a mortal woman through trickery and transmogrification” and “man publicly declares love for delicious bagel sandwich in crowded deli.”
When historians reflect upon President Obama’s first State of the Union address, there will be mixed feelings about his decision to film in Digital 3-D. There will be consensus, however, that prepending a trailer for Monsters Vs. Aliens 2: B.O.B. Bounces Back was an excellent choice.
Just hours after Tusk-Haver etched the first deliberate painting into the walls of Cave-By-Long-Water, Bear-Smeller became the the first man to cut funding to the arts. After a successful appeal to Chief Biggest-Rock (with a stick), Tusk-Haver’s tusk was taken by force (a two-pronged stick) and converted into a spear. Bear-Smeller would go on to lead several unsuccessful raids against Bear-That-May-Exist, only to fall victim to the previously unknown Ground-Sloth-That-Definitely-Does-Exist-And-Has-Sharper-Claws-Than-Expected.
The spread of the Internet in the last decade has enabled the proliferation of Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy, allowing people to to induce illness in others from around the globe through the use of dedicated proxy servers.
Actually, that last one may be true.
Dagnabiit! Why oh why must that site be blocked by my work filter?