Preview of first issue of Underground comic

No, not that kind of underground comic!

Steve Lieber’s and Jeff Parker’s new adventure comic Underground looks neat. And I say that because apparently much of it will take place deep in caves (the heroine is a park ranger), which is a setting I think is cool times 1000. You can read a free preview of the first issue here. Steve ((Full disclosure: Steve is someone I know and like.)) just got robbed, which is putting a crimp in his publicity plans, so he’s asking people to link the Underground website so that folks know the comic exists.

Plus: Female protagonist who doesn’t wear ridiculous clothing! Is that even legal in a comic coming from Image?

The free preview is mostly setup (it’s the first issue of five), but the last adventure-comic-by-Steve-with-a-female-protagonist I read, Whiteout (which is about to be a movie), completely rocked.

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5 Responses to Preview of first issue of Underground comic

  1. Mandolin says:

    Female protagonist who doesn’t wear ridiculous clothing

    While still being specifically oglable with specific underwear shots! And at least one gratuitous ass shot! Yay! Oh, wait, not yay.

    The presentation of the female character would probably not have bothered me if you hadn’t suggested it as a sales point.

  2. joe says:

    Plus: Female protagonist who doesn’t wear ridiculous clothing! Is that even legal in a comic coming from Image?

    Jenny Sparks? iirc she made a point about not wearing a ‘body condom’ when she came into storm watch because she ‘didn’t have the bust for it.

  3. joe says:

    Good point about the one undies shot. She should have slept in footy pj’s. Not sure where you found the gratuitous ass shot though? Which page was that on?

  4. Mandolin says:

    “She should have slept in footy pj’s. ”

    Yes, that’s true. There are no options for women but to be sexualized in the way they’re drawn in their underpants and fucking footy pajamas. Fuck you too, Joe.

  5. joe says:

    Yes, that’s true. There are no options for women but to be sexualized in the way they’re drawn in their underpants and fucking footy pajamas. Fuck you too, Joe.

    The character sleeps in a tank and under where. it was 1 panel with no extra detail from the rest of the art in the comic or emphasis on sexuality. Unless you have more that what was in Amp’s link i don’t see it.

    still not seeing the gratuitous ass shot btw. Where did you see that?

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