Letter from Iran: Obama Gets It Right

From The Huffington Post: 4:05 PM ET — Thanks to President Obama. The National Iranian American Council republishes a letter from an “ordinary Tehrani.”

Dear friend, if you have any contacts within the American Administration, please send them this message on behalf of us, ordinary Iranians in Iran (whose interests and concerns are very different from those of the exiled Iranians in the United States and in Europe who do not yet understand the mentality here and who have been cut off from the Iranian society for too long). Tell your contacts in the Administration that their point of view regarding Iran is by far the best position that an American Government has ever taken. We appreciate this and thank the President.

During the last two or three decades not one American president had “understood” Iran. All of them got caught in the traps of the mollahs, despite themselves having to play the bad cop .. but this time the intelligent president has decided not to join in their game, bravo.

It is normal that he is criticized vividly by most of the Los Angeles Iranians (and by most Republicans): since a long time they have been asking for just one thing : that America attack Iran and change the regime so that they get their possessions and their former jobs and privileges back, without wanting to know what today’s young Iranian wants here and now. It makes me think of the Cubans in Florida … they don’t consider the interests of their country but only what is due to them.

via Iran Updates (VIDEO): Live-Blogging The Uprising.

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4 Responses to Letter from Iran: Obama Gets It Right

  1. 1
    Lilian Nattel says:

    Interesting–thanks for posting it.

  2. 3
    Trisha says:

    Obama could have said at least count the votes, something simple like that wouldn’t be taking sides but would show that he cared. I just hope with obama not saying anything and these protesters being killed they won’t blame the US for not caring for freedom and rights.