More on the Oregon Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

All these posts, and it’s only the lower court ruling, which could be overturned.

Typically, The One True b!X has the best coverage (here and here). B!X is calling this a victory for marriage equality opponants.

He’s got a point; separate is not equal.

But then again… Just a year or two ago, a court ruling requiring Civil Unions (flawed as they are) in Oregon would have been seen by everyone as a stunning victory for gay rights.

Also, Oregon is not Massachusetts… it’s very easy to amend the Oregon Constitution with a ballot measure. I’m pretty certain that Oregon voters would amend the Constitution to prevent gay marriage. However, it’s not as clear to me that a majority will be willing to amend the Constitution just to prevent Civil Unions.

I oppose Civil Unions in the long run, because I think they’re a degrading concession to anti-gay sentiment. Separate is not equal, nor is it fair. Nonetheless, in the short term, it’s possible that Civil Unions will be a better strategic route to eventual equality; it’s certainly better than a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. (Which might happen anyway, but is more likely to happen if an Oregon Court rules that our constitution requires marriage equality).

UPDATE: Issac Laquedem and Worldwide Pablo also have comments on this case..

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One Response to More on the Oregon Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

  1. lucia says:

    I hope they go for marriage! I don’t like “marriage lite” whether heterosexual or homosexual. It’s too ambiguous.

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