Nephew and Niece Blogging

As dedicated “Alas” readers will recall, my nephew Silas was born October 16, 2002 and his sister Jemma two weeks ago. It’s long past time I posted more pictures, don’t you think?

My family is lucky in that my brother-in-law Tim is an outstanding photographer, so the kiddie photos we get are really good. Click below to see the pictures.


Here’s Silas. I’m told he took his first steps today. I’m not sure this is such a smart thing for him to do – from walking it’s just a step or two before they expect you to join a school team – but if Silas thinks it’s a good idea, I guess it’s okay.


Here’s Jemma, sleeping. Resting. Plotting.


Jemma, Silas, and Allison (aka Mom). Notice the way that my sister – who is, among her other accomplishments, a totally cool feminist – is already teaching her son to nurture.


Jemma and Silas together. This is now my desktop image.

All photos by Tim Andersen..

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6 Responses to Nephew and Niece Blogging

  1. Raznor says:

    That first photo of Silas is adorable.

  2. natasha says:

    Awwwww! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Lauren says:

    That last pic is a gem. I need a decent camera – thanks for reminding me. Feh.

  4. lucia says:

    Gosh.. I like the last one of Jemma and Silas together. (Coming from a person who does not go ga-ga over all kid pictures, that’s saying a lot. It’s “you could sell it to strangers” cute!)

  5. Rad Geek says:

    I think bro-in-law could rake in the cash just by taking ordinary family photos and selling them to photo-frame companies. These are absolutely adorable.

    Is there anything else to say, besides “Awwwwwwww”?

  6. Raznor says:

    It’s like if puppies and kittens could have babies.

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