Breaking: Minn. Supremes Declare Franken Winner

Finally. I know that this could still keep going, you know, forever, but the smoke signals and tea leaves and bird guts all have pointed to Norm giving up. Given that this is a unanimous per curiam decision, it’s hard for Norm to show that he was beaten down by a shadowy liberal cabal. Frankly, his attorneys have done well to delay things this long, and I find it highly unlikely that Norm will continue on. Not impossible, but highly unlikely.

All I know is that my state’s junior senator is this guy:

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17 Responses to Breaking: Minn. Supremes Declare Franken Winner

  1. 1
    RonF says:

    Which leads me to ask the question – exactly what evil did the Minnesota electorate commit to deserve this?

  2. 2
    nobody.really says:

    3:03pm Central Time: Coleman concedes; Fecke called it.

  3. 3
    Jeff Fecke says:

    exactly what evil did the Minnesota electorate commit to deserve this?

    We love this. We’re the state that brought you Jesse Ventura. This is what we do.

  4. 4
    Ampersand says:

    About damn time!

  5. 5
    Kay Olson says:

    This is what we do.


    And, yes.

  6. 6
    RonF says:

    Yeah, Jeff, I understand that’s what you guys do. I’m just trying to figure out why. Are you all that desperate for entertainment?

    I mean, I’ve often said “Given the number of clowns we have in Congress, maybe we should start electing professionals”, but I was only kidding.

  7. 7
    FurryCatHerder says:

    Okay, I’m actually disturbed that clowns aren’t as equally entitled to be elected to Congress as some other profession. It isn’t like lawyers and other “professions” have done such a great job of things …

  8. 8
    RonF says:

    It must be those long cold winters out in the rural areas. I know that in New England people are famous for getting “cabin fever”, and we’ve got some urban areas close by. Maybe it affects the brains.

  9. 9
    Myca says:

    It must be those long cold winters out in the rural areas.

    I’m from sunny California, the home of both Governor Cowboy and Governor Terminator, so I don’t think cold has much to do with electing ridiculous entertainers.


  10. 10
    RonF says:

    Hm. Could be. I’ve attributed that to the heat cooking people’s brains out there. But perhaps more to the point, my travels in California (few as they have been, I admit) have led me to perceive that the media and the people out there are just drenched with following the ups and downs and ins and outs of entertainers. After all, in parts of California like L.A. (where I have done most of what travel I have done in California, which probably colors my perception) entertainment is a huge industry and a big part of the economy, a lot more than in, say, Chicago. So a) they have a lot of name and face recognition, and b) people are more conditioned to think that what entertainers say and think about something other than entertainment actually matters and is worth paying attention to.

  11. 11
    RonF says:

    Who was Governor Cowboy?

  12. 12
    Ampersand says:

    I’m guessing Reagan.

  13. 13
    Myca says:

    I’m guessing Reagan.

    Right. I should have said “Governor Movie Cowboy.”

  14. 14
    Myca says:

    the home of both Governor Cowboy and Governor Terminator

    Aw Christ.

    And Representative Sonny Bono.

    All three Republicans.

    Coincidence? I doubt it.


  15. 15
    Myca says:

    And Dirty Harry, Mayor of Carmel.

  16. 16
    Charles S says:

    And George Murphy!

  17. 17
    Ampersand says:

    Probably this doesn’t say anything special about Californians versus other Americans; it just says that Hollywood is located in California.