First the Twine Ball, Now This

Minnesota is not just home to the world’s biggest twine ball made by a single person; it’s now home to the world’s biggest cupcake:

A 151-pound cupcake in Minneapolis has been certified as the world’s largest.

The 1-foot tall, 2-foot wide cupcake on display Saturday at the Minneapolis Mall of America had 15 pounds of fudge filling and 60 pounds of yellow icing.

Guinness World Records adjudicator Danny Girton Jr. called it a “fun and creative achievement.”

In your face, Wisconsin! “Weird Al” Yankovic won’t be writing anything about your state anytime soon!

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11 Responses to First the Twine Ball, Now This

  1. Well, it’s really a matter of compensation. I mean, why does Minnesota NEED to keep coming up with the “World’s Biggest fill in the blank” unless it’s because they just KNOW that they aren’t as cool as us Sconnies?

  2. Mandolin says:

    I’m afraid I have to go with Wisconsin being cooler than Minnesota. When you all have something as cool as Wiscon, we’ll revisit the matter.

  3. Jeff Fecke says:

    Truth be told, I just like needling ‘Sconnies. I went to Madison for a year, and frankly think that Minnesota and Wisconsin are probably roughly the same state. Still, like any sibling rivalry, it’s fun.

    Iowa, on the other hand….

  4. Mandolin says:

    Oh, Iowa. Well, as someone with an alma mater in Iowa, I can forthrightly say…

    (you’re right, Wisonsin and Minnesota are better. ;) )

  5. RonF says:

    How about in the competition for least-qualified and goofiest Senator? Who wins that one, Minnesota or Wisconsin?

  6. Jeff Fecke says:

    Wisconsin. Herb Kohl really has no business being in the Senate.

  7. Ja, in all honesty you can’t even really tell when you cross the state line. I’d happily spend the rest of my life in EITHER state, although I do prefer Madison for the (relatively!) milder winters. Still, the Twin Cities win the prize for being the ONLY cities I’ve ever visited and thought “I could actually live here…”

  8. The best thing Minnesota has is airports in the middle of corn fields.

    During the year I spent community to Rochester, MN on a weekly basis, I discovered that for many people in Minnesota, spending the weekend in a hotel down the road, just so one can use their swimming pool, is a HUGE deal.

    And where my former in-laws lived in Wisconsin they had a ski spot named “Trollhagen”. How cool is that? Top THAT Minnesota!

  9. Jerad says:

    RonF; Despite Jeff’s response if you change the question to who has the least qualified congressperson then it’s hands down Minnesota.

  10. Jerad says:

    PS: that ball of twine was IIRC featured in the original “Sam and Max: Hit the Road” videogame by Lucasarts. I never got past that level.

  11. Jeff Fecke says:

    RonF; Despite Jeff’s response if you change the question to who has the least qualified congressperson then it’s hands down Minnesota.

    Agreed wholeheartedly. That Jim Oberstar, I tell ya…. :P

    (Of course we’re talking about the gentlelady from the sixth; she’s not just the least qualified congressperson in the upper midwest, but in all these United States. Sigh.)

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