The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog


(Via Jezebel)

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6 Responses to The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over the Lazy Dog

  1. Eva says:

    Life imitating typing class – I love it~

  2. Bekka says:

    My god, I love it. I also officially desperately want a pet fox.

  3. micah says:

    I look forward to the sequel about quartz glyph jobs.

  4. That’s cute. :)

    (and the correct phrase is “The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over A Lazy Dog”. The one you wrote doesn’t use the word “a”)

  5. …and I just realized I’m an idiot. The phrase in the title is correct.

  6. Sage says:

    We always wrote, “The quick red fox jumps over a lazy brown dog.” But either way, I think the dog is pretty well trained to allow that to happen!

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