Sorry if folks have trouble reading “Alas, A Blog” today; apparently lighting took down our server’s DSLAM for a while (which is located in Maine, in case you’re wondering).
I’m told a DSLAM is a “box with wires.” Apparently they perform some sort of fuction, without with “Alas” is, alas, lost..
You know you’re doing something right if they’re shooting lightning bolts at you.
Thank you Random Archive Post for brining this to my attention!
I have often remembered June 4, 2004 as a truly dark day in American History.
I just could not recall why.
I spend the day wandering the streets in a blind rage and attacking anyone I encountered with teeth, nail and knee until they collapsed, at which point I’d kneel on their throat and explain to them in great detail the enormous difference between how the word “person” is used by pro-lifers and pro-choicers and how if we can’t acknowledge that no actual discourse is possible. Then they’d die and I’d go find my next victim.