Open Thread: Mandolin's silly poem

I dropped a poem into one of Jeff Fecke’s recent threads. Barry said I should promote it to a post of its own, so here it is. Given the contents, consider this an open thread. ;)

Ode to a derailed thread
by Rachel Swirsky

Topic, oh topic, where have you gone?
Out the front door, across the front lawn…

Topic, oh topic, I miss you so.
Over land, over sea, over sand, over snow…

Topic, oh topic, I know we ignored you.
But topic, oh topic, I swear we adored you.

Far past the sun and the moon and the stars
Toward the black holes, nebulae and quasars…

Topic, oh topic, our future seems black.
Topic, oh topic, please won’t you come back?

Where the vacuum is cold and there’s nothing around.
Nothing, no nothing. I’ll never be found.

This entry was posted in Mandolin's fiction & poems, Whatever. Bookmark the permalink.

26 Responses to Open Thread: Mandolin's silly poem

  1. Myca says:

    My topic lies over the ocean,
    My topic lies over the sea,
    My topic lies back about 12 comments,
    Oh mod back the topic for me!
    Mod back, mod back, oh mod back the topic for me (for me!)
    Mod back, mod back, oh mod back the topic for me!

  2. Dianne says:

    Speaking of which, wouldn’t this be a good time to discuss whether sexism hurts men more than women or vice versa, the humanity of embryos, and the virtues of libertarianism?

  3. Mandolin says:

    Yes, it would! Also, I think we should debate whether there’s evidence proving the existence of God and whether or not porn is inherently evil.

  4. nobody.really says:

    T is for the million ways I say it,
    O means for each thread you’ll find ONE there.
    P is for the poor way you convey it,
    I think I’m gonna pull out all my hair!
    C is for the crap I read in comments,
    And that’s the final letter in the word.
    Put them all together, they spell TOPIC,
    A term, apparently, no one’s ever heard….

  5. marmalade says:

    Oh give me a thread
    Well researched and well read
    To provoke lots of thought and dismay
    Posting views from all ’round
    Both profane and profound
    Where the posts never wander or stray

    Ohhhh, on-topic thread
    Where the posts are both witty and gay
    Where seldom is heard
    A mean-spirited word
    And the posts never wander or stray

  6. thebritkid says:

    Very unforgiving of the topic. Can’t we coax it back with chocolate?

  7. RonF says:

    Get back on the topic or we’ll shoot this dog.

  8. DSimon says:

    Stop wasting my time
    You know what I want
    You know what I need
    Or maybe you don’t
    Do I have to come right flat out and tell you everything?
    Gimme back my topic!
    Gimme back my topic!

    (With apologies to Spinal Tap)

  9. nobody.really says:

    O TOPIC! my Topic! our thread has run amok;
    ‘Mid barbs about abortion rights and taxes. WTF?
    The initial post still stands atop, apparently unread
    Its words uncomprehended, its import all but dead.
    And O comments! comments! comments!
    O the blaring words, all CAPS
    Gath’ring below the topic post:
    The discussion is for crap.

    Because I could not stand your song –
    I blithely change the key –
    After all, no one’s reading except Ourselves –
    Yakking Inheritably.

    Yesterday, in the blogosphere,
    My topic seemed to disappear.
    It wasn’t there again today
    Lost in blather about “teh Gay….”

    I have hijacked
    the thread
    that was on
    your blog and which
    you were probably
    to discuss. Forgive me, but
    my clever retort needed expression
    so sweet
    and so cold

  10. RonF says:

    Hm. You did say open thread, so:

    Here’s a quote from Michael Moore on Larry King’s show last night:

    Michael Moore: I can understand why Republicans and some of the people on the right, lol, are like, ‘What are you doing setting a deadline?’. It’s like CRAZY. If they’re truly the enemy, you don’t say, ‘Okay, we’re going to fight you until 2:00 on ummm (looks at watch), on July 2, 2011. I mean it’s like, if they are the enemy, you fight them until they’re done. Until you win, and they lose. And that’s not what he said. He just provided more fodder for his opponents by giving a deadline.

    Larry King: Right

    Michael Moore: If somebody is trying to kill you, if that’s his case, that people in Afganistan are trying to kill us, then how can you set a deadline? The deadline is maybe a week from now or maybe it’s 10 years from now, but it’s going to be, ‘We’re going to stop you from killing us”.

    I keep looking over my shoulder. I’m on the 6th floor here near a window. A mature pig weighs hundreds of pounds and if one of them flies into the window I could get hurt.

  11. Simple Truth says:

    To whether has thou gone
    Oh thread of threads so fine
    Past destiny intended
    Into other shaded pastures
    Couldst thou return?

  12. Doug S. says:

    This is one reason why threaded comments are nice; side discussions automatically get separated from other responses.

  13. Mandolin says:

    “I have hijacked
    the thread
    that was on
    your blog and which
    you were probably
    to discuss. Forgive me, but
    my clever retort needed expression
    so sweet
    and so cold”


  14. nobody.really says:

    You’re very kind! And William Carlos Williams is very parody-able.
    so much depends

    a well-read

    gazing with open

    beyond his white

  15. Mandolin says:

    Yes, I actually just sold a science fictional pastiche on that poem!

  16. RonF says:

    So I looked up “threadjack” in the Urban Dictionary. Their definition requires that the action be deliberate. OTOH, they also have “threadfuck”, “thread shitting”, “Threadcromancy”, “thread bombing” and numerous others. Very entertaining!

  17. Katie says:

    The poem uses “black” as a negative descriptor. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot, how “dark”, “black”, etc. double in usage as both negative words and as adjectives for skin color.

    I have been avoiding using them as negative, suffice it to say. It is starting to feel like “gay” as a negative, when there are actually people who are gay and I don’t want to reinforce the negative meaning.

  18. kristinc says:

    There once was a thread with a topic
    What suffered from comments myopic;
    It required the mod
    To play “Voice Of God”
    When patience wore down microscopic.

  19. Pingback: Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » NYO Fail, Part the First: In Which I Discuss Double Standards

  20. Pingback: NYO Fail, Part the First: In Which I Discuss Double Standards | Blog of the Moderate Left

  21. I’m arguing feminism with a bunch of so-called rationals over at Richard Dawkins Forum. I don’t know how much clearer I can be on why the male gaze is destructive in the ‘Why is feminism still important. Please help‘ thread. Are any of you forum members? I would love some backup. Oh, my username is ‘veniqe’ on that forum.

  22. A London-based orgnisation called Eaves is collecting gifts for women who have escaped from being forced into the sex trade. The address to which to send the gifts is here.

  23. Radfem says:

    Still blogging about the trial of a former officer charged with sexual assault under the color of authority involving three different women. It’s on hold again with more parties including both attorneys sick with the flu.

    The officer testified and denied having any sexual contact with two women and said he had oral sex with the third to fulfill her sexual fantasy of “doing a cop”.

    When being a “bad apple” is your best defense appears to be the legal strategy of the defense.

  24. Simple Truth says:

    A link to the article I read forever ago and StumbleUpon-ed today: Brent Staples Walk on By

    I’ve not read a better piece about what it’s like on the other side – to be a man walking alone at night mistaken for a threat.

  25. Radfem says:

    Ooooh nice twist on Dollhouse.

  26. Radfem says:

    Hmm. Received an interesting email from a former police officer thanking me for covering the trial in my blog. He was one of the officers fired 10 years for firing Tyisha Miller. Life can be strange.

    Another local blogger’s take on why gays and lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to be leaders.

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