Drooling with Hatred, So-Called "Christians" Cut Gays Out of Immigration Reform

They really are hollow people, with no hearts at all:

A bill introduced earlier this year by Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) dealing with family reunification policies for immigrants was completely rolled into the reform package, except for its provisions allowing same-sex partners of permanent residents to qualify for a visa. The decision behind the little-noted change sparked friction between liberals hoping to kick off debate with an all-inclusive bill and Hispanic leaders more focused on keeping religious leaders on board with the plan.

“All the evangelists, Catholics and churches that are part of this were whacking out “over the gay and lesbian provisions,” said a Democratic lawmaker familiar with negotiations on the bill.

Democrats say they’re planning to reinsert the provision later in the process. I hope they do.

I can’t imagine what sort of human being would oppose a simple, compassionate policy like this. Allowing longtime, committed cross-national couples does not “endanger” marriage, nor does it harm any straight person in any way at all. But even a tiny bit of compassion towards LGBT people is more than organized right-wing Christians can stand.

You think it would get old; you think I’d stop being shocked by things like this. But no; I’m continually astonished at how some (not all) Christians — and in particular, politically powerful, organized Christian groups — lack even the most basic decency or compassion. What the hell makes them so petty?

This entry was posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Homophobic zaniness/more LGBTQ issues. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Drooling with Hatred, So-Called "Christians" Cut Gays Out of Immigration Reform

  1. headbang8 says:

    Are religious people petty, perhaps, because their religion makes them so?

    Pretty much every major religion condemns homosexuality as a sin. Followers can split theological hairs with their respective church hierarchies on the issue, but the official line is the same.

    Once you call something a sin, there’s pretty much no other alternative to a hard line. Sin = bad = must be resisted. Compassion for the sinner is limited to those who repent. There’s no such thing as sinner’s rights.

  2. Politicalguineapig says:

    Short answer: Their brains and hearts atrophied. That’s what happens when you let your preacher/bishop/ holy book do your thinking for you.

  3. Afaik, US immigration policy is a legacy of the Klan.

    I don’t have it quite defined, but the anti-immigration attitude seems to be that it’s obvious we’re safer and better off if our default is to keep people out, and there are no non-monetary costs to having an exclusionary policy.

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