Fecke Health Update — with a greeting card!

Over on his home blog, Jeff has some good news:

Basically, everything is going as well as I could hope so far. Yes, surgery is painful and not fun, but I knew that going in, and it’s not debilitating. And I got Vicodin, just like Vikings quarterback Brett Favre used to be addicted to, so that’s cool. The surgery itself appears to have done exactly what it was supposed to with no complications, so that’s great.

The better news, however, is that the CT scan that they did on me last week appears to be clear. That doesn’t mean the cancer hasn’t spread, but there’s only about a 15% chance that it has, and that means I can likely avoid chemotherapy, at least at first.

So yay!

In other news, David Ellis Dickerson of “Greeting Card Emergency” fame — whose new book, House of Cards, was recently reviewed on “Alas” — provides this video:

(And here’s David’s post accompanying the video. Thanks, David!)

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2 Responses to Fecke Health Update — with a greeting card!

  1. kathy a. says:

    great news! best to jeff.

    and that video is wonderful.

  2. Simple Truth says:

    I actually searched this post out because I realized that Jeff hadn’t posted in a while. I hope he’s recovering well and that everything is clear.

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