Wednesday is Cartoon Day!

Okay, so it’s actually 1:30am Thursday as I post this. I drew this several days ago, I just forgot to post it yesterday. (But I’ve posted a couple of extra cartoons this week, which hopefully makes up for it.)

Note: Due to this post being published as Alas was switching commenting software, the original comments to this post have been “stranded.” They can still be read here. However, please leave any new comments in the new comment system (link below).


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8 Responses to Wednesday is Cartoon Day!

  1. Demosthenes says:

    Brilliant. Of course, this is entirely intentional. There’s a reason that the FRC is pissed, and it’s because the Repubs know that if they move tax cuts away from center stage and shine a light on the social conservative aspects the Libertarians will freak. That’s why Sullivan freaked out over Santorum… gay rights is the epicentre of this, and the faultline that will likely break the Republican coalition apart.

  2. T says:

    Wow. I think this piece shows a immense lack of understanding of anyone registered to a third party and of the basic Libertarian platform. Why the hell would they vote for Republicans or Democrats if they had the courage to register in another party?

  3. Also check out the link to a factual – not propaganda lie – of the LP position on Patriot Act II

  4. Anonymous says:

    Libertarians are not that easily swayed to vote for a Republican. In fact, many libertarians are not easily swayed to vote at all – even for a libertarian.

  5. Ampersand says:

    T, I certainly agree that my cartoon oversimplifies, and doesn’t give credit to libertarians who refuse to vote republican. But there are a heck of a lot of people calling themselves libertarians who do vote republican, and that’s who the cartoon criticizes.

  6. ottopic says:

    Like them damn black folk who commit all them crimes!

  7. --k. says:

    Actually, a lot more like anonymous drive-bys who post all them baldly inflammatory analogies.

  8. V says:

    As we are quickly approaching election day, I appreciate your “oversimplified” cartoon of the easily swayed Libertarian. I shake my head at this nation of suckers, as they give up their rights and freedom so easily for the promise of money.

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