A Hereville preview page — and Introducing Jake

Here’s a page of art from the upcoming Hereville graphic novel. The graphic novel will be 139 pages long, of which 104 are inked and I’m not sure exactly how many (but a lot) are colored. If all goes well, all 139 pages will be complete five weeks from now. And I will be exhausted.

Which brings me to something I should have mentioned; I now have a collaborator on Hereville. Mr. Jake Richmond, my friend and housemate and excellent cartoonist, illustrator and game designer, is coloring Hereville. Thanks, Jake!

Anyway, here’s a preview page:

You can see a larger image of the page here.

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4 Responses to A Hereville preview page — and Introducing Jake

  1. Kevin Moore says:

    Jake is amazing. He is better than most people. You are lucky to have him. He’s almost as cute as that bunny in panels one and two.

  2. Robert says:

    So he’s the Gerhard to your Sim, eh?

    I just hope Hereville vol. 3 isn’t going to have Mirka producing multichapter speeches about how women are all evil and the masculine principle is God.

  3. birdyrabbit says:


  4. nobody.really says:

    Hey, I think I recognize the roof of that house.

    The graphic novel will be 139 pages long, of which 104 are inked and I’m not sure exactly how many (but a lot) are colored.

    Has Mirka considered running for president? Since her word balloons are white, it suggests that she doesn’t speak with a colored dialect (unless she wants to). :-)

    Go, Amp, go!

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