Another Vote

As far as I am aware, Prof. Eugene Volokh did not participate in Alas A Blog’s “Poll: Cause and Effect”. If he did not, his opinion would not have been reflected in our results.

As I am indulgent, I will accept his late vote. It is clear he does not believe correlation equals causation.1 This means my position that Same Sex Marriage can cause changes in the the non-marital birth ratio and these can easily be seen in the data. now has only 1 vote out of 9 cast. (It previously had 1 vote out of 8 cast.)

My only consolation is that this outcome suggests people also don’t believe Dr. Kurtz.

=== End Notes.
[1] In a previous article, I noted they seem to be teaching correlation does not equal causation at U of Chicago. Now, it seems they may be teaching this corrosive idea at UCLA. What is happening at our institutions of higher learning?.

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3 Responses to Another Vote

  1. Ed Drone says:

    You’d think the “correlation equals causation” idiocy would have been obvious to those same kind of folks who use the strawman “if you see a rich man standing next to a poor man, it doesn’t mean that the rich man got that way by oppressing the poor one,” you know? Aslo, the rooster does not cause the sun to rise by crowing (despite some roosters’ claims to the contrary).



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