Democrats and Israel: never criticize, never dissent

Mike Silverman, in a post called “Greens for Bush,” writes:

The Green Party, who in 2000 helped elect George Bush, is hard at working making sure he will be re-elected in 2004. Check out this web site savaging one of the only Democrats in the race who actually has a chance at beating Bush (for the record, Kerry and Dean are the other two to whom I would give decent odds).

Hey, the site’s creators even threw in some “death to Israel” links for good measure!

And of course, a link to the Green Party. But I repeat myself.

The tedious Green-bashing and basic dishonesty of this post’s premise aside (there’s no reason to believe that the site Mike links to was created by the Green Party), what strikes me about this post is how much it opposes the very idea of dissent and criticism. The site Mike is objecting to, Joseph Lieberman for President 2004, is a satirical site criticizing Lieberman for being too right-wing (“Joseph Lieberman. A new kind of Democrat. The Republican kind.”). Sub-pages criticize Lieberman on military spending, on capital punishment, and other policy issues.

But apparently – at least, according to Mike – it’s now a terrible thing to criticize Lieberman’s policies at all. Criticizing Lieberman is working hard “making sure Bush will be re-elected in 2004.” To criticize Lieberman at all is to favor Bush.

Those “death to Israel” links Mike mentions? Neither one of them – not the excellent Jewish Women Watching site, nor the horribly designed Divest From Israel Campaign site – can be even remotely described as a “death to Israel” site. To criticize Israel at all is to favor its destruction, apparently.

Needless to say, I disagree with Mike’s dislike of dissent. Criticism is valuable. To attempt to shut down debate and criticism of Democrats with shrill screams of “you’re helping re-elect Bush!” is to undermine the very idea of the primary system; if Democrats running for the nomination can’t be criticized, then what’s the point of having primaries?

Similarly, the hysterical accusations that Israel’s critics favor “death to Israel” make legitimate, responsible debate impossible. Mike should be locked up in a small room with those occasional left-wing nuts who yell about “Zionazis”; the two extremes deserve each other.

Unfortunately, although there are many honorable exceptions, I think Mike’s contempt for dissent is pretty common in the Democratic party nowadays – and even more among Israel’s partisans.

As JWW says, “dissent is not a sin.”

(Postscript – If, like me, you’re a Jew who’s grown tired of “more-Jewish-than-thou” attitudes among some Israel partisans, be sure to check out Jewish Women’s Watching mean and sharp satire, “JewishSpeak.” (Warning: pdf file).)

Update: Mike responds to me here.

Note: Due to this post being published as Alas was switching commenting software, the original comments to this post have been “stranded.” They can still be read here. However, please leave any new comments in the new comment system (link below).


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2 Responses to Democrats and Israel: never criticize, never dissent

  1. Joel says:

    The thing that gets me about Democrats who bash us leftist dissenters is that they expect to garner our support without giving us anything tangible. I let the bruises get to me in 2000 and voted for Gore rather than my conscience. Gore and the Democrats let me down by not standing up and fighting the fight all the way to the day when the Congress met to certify the election. I’m not the one responsible for Bush: they are by not carrying through.

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