Author Archives: Nick Kiddle

Turning fish fingers into people

This is my shameless attempt to get some help brainstorming an essay. If this is out of line, Amp, feel free to take the post down. Two years ago – and it’s scary how the time has slipped past – … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights | Comments Off  

What Would the Virgin Mary Do?

I’m currently trying to revise and expand Lady Madonna for publication as part of an essay collection, and I just had this thought. Noting the similarities between me and a classical image of Madonna and Child is harmless enough. Concluding … Continue reading

Posted in Breastfeeding & Lactivism | Comments Off  

Selling out

In the summer of 2005, my financial situation, which had been shaky for months, finally reached critical point. A letter came from my bank demanding immediate repayment of everything I’d borrowed on pain of court action, and I knew I … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Sex work, porn, etc, Site and Admin Stuff | Comments Off  

Protecting children from their depressed, working-class parents

In the post about the dangers of baby blogging, I alluded to a child protection conference that had thrown up several essay-worthy subjects, then lapsed back into silence. Now, over a month later, I’m finally organised enough to tackle some … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Families structures, divorce, etc | Comments Off  

Working from home: the worst of both worlds?

Every so often, friends or family members tell me about opportunities for freelance work. Some of the suggestions – the ones that could help me build a writing career – would appeal even if I was childless and working full-time. … Continue reading

Posted in Families structures, divorce, etc, Gender and the Economy | Comments Off  

Baby blogging and internet paedophiles

This morning I attended a child protection conference. Several issues came up that would be essays in themselves, but the one that most immediately disturbs me is the chair’s attitude towards baby blogging. I post the occasional picture of Andrea … Continue reading

Posted in Rape, intimate violence, & related issues | Comments Off  

Shaping my baby

As some of the language in this post suggests, I wrote it while my daughter was still in utero. It turned up during a spate of hard-drive housekeeping, and I think it’s relevant enough to be worth posting, even so … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights | Comments Off  

The burden of childcare

Sometimes it seems the following must be invoked whenever a feminist brings up the subject of childcare as a burden: “Lots of men who work long hours in high-stress jobs would give anything to spend more time with their children.” … Continue reading

Posted in Families structures, divorce, etc, Feminism, sexism, etc, Sexism hurts men | Comments Off  

Anti-rape ads aimed at men

I saw a headline for this story on this evening’s news and had to wait for the full story. A rape awareness campaign aimed at men? A rape awareness campaign that tells men it’s rape if she doesn’t explicitly consent? … Continue reading

Posted in Media criticism, Rape, intimate violence, & related issues | Comments Off  

"What if your mother was pro-choice?" II

The elder of my half-brothers is almost seventeen years old. He’s busy studying physics and chemistry for A-level, playing around with a BBC microcomputer he salvaged from somewhere, and saving up his Education Maintenance Allowance in the hopes of one … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights | Comments Off