More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: Afghanistan
Article: The Other Afghan Women
The Other Afghan Women | The New Yorker Just read a long-form article in the New Yorker, about the war in Afghanistan – what locals call “the American war” – from the perspective of a rural woman. The article is … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan
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Thank You, Veterans
I wrote this on November 11, and then before I could get a thumbs-up from certain people to post it, life intervened. So, it’s a little late, but still worth saying. As GB Stern said, silent gratitude isn’t much use … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iran, Iraq, Korea
If we policed the U.S. the way we do Afghanistan
A blessed rerun this week so that your humble hostess may recharge her batteries. Unfortunately, this one is just as relevant than ever.
A couple commenters on Daily Kos have argued that I am comparing apples and oranges by placing military action in a police scenario. To which I replied:
I am aware that the rules of […] Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Syndicated feeds
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This is what war looks like: leaked footage of Iraquis and Reuters employees being massacred
From a US Army press release, July 13, 2007: Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, and the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, both operating in eastern Baghdad under the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, along with … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Iraq, Media criticism
Proposal to pay for the Afghan War
Some leading Democrats have been proposing that the Afghanistan war, like Health Care, should be deficit-neutral. The tax applies to all Americans earning $30,000 or more (although there are exemptions for “anyone who has served in Iraq or Afghanistan since … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Economics and the like, In the news
Enough of "Behind the Veil" Already!
Krista at Muslimah Media Watch, in the first of a series reviewing the Globe and Mail’s “Behind the Veil” series (about about women in Kandahar, Afghanistan), begins by objecting to the title: They could not have come up with a … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Media criticism
Afghanistan, Another 9-11 and American Elections
At Obsidian Wings, Eric Martin discusses how the recent, blatantly fraudulent Afghanistan election effects the prospects of U.S. success there. Due to the complexity and tenacity of the multi-layered, multi-faceted conflict that we are seeking to address as an outside … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Elections and politics
The Pakistani People Are Our Friends? Really?
Back in February, Dave Kilcullen said this in his testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: All this suggests that the most appropriate diplomatic strategy is to identify, within Pakistan, our friends and allies (civilian democratic political leaders, some officials, … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, International issues
Afghanistan Reading
I’ve been reading about the US presence in Afghanistan — this weekend in particular, with the election going on, it’s been on my mind. Over the years I’ve read a lot about the human rights situation in Afghanistan, especially for … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan
Afghanistan passes brutally misogynistic law, taking away women's rights
Top photo: Afghan women protest an earlier version of this law, in April 2009, from the New York Times. Second photo, also from April: Hazara women in Europe protest the Afghan law. From Hazaritan Times. From Human Rights Watch: “Karzai … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan, Feminism, sexism, etc
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…