If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Category Archives: Economics and the like
California Budget Woes Post
A discussion in comments, combined with waking up early and having some time to pass before Kevin picks me up to go to work, led me to read up a bit on California’s budget. The most useful graphic comes from … Continue reading
Posted in Economics and the like
Burn Him!
As you no doubt have heard by now, President Obama is expected to announce a non-defense discretionary spending freeze in tomorrow’s State of the Union address. Given that we’re only kinda, sorta on the way to recovery — and that … Continue reading
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…