Category Archives: Economics and the like

Michele Bachmann: Irrational conspiracy theories are awesome.

Matt Yglesias has the goods, but what it comes down to, basically, is that Michele Bachmann does not see the difference between China making an internal decision about what currency to use as their reserve currency and the institution of a sinister One World … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, International issues | 2 Comments

The Republican Party: "We are innumerate and don't understand the use of proper nouns."

Okay, so the new Republican budget proposal has come in for a lot of mockery lately, and rightly so. Much has been made of the utter lack of numbers attached to their proposal ((On a quick read-through, though I saw a lot … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, Elections and politics, Whatever | 16 Comments

Hey, Paul Krugman (a song, a plea)

This song resonates with me. Not because of fan-love for Krugman. Because Obama has surrounded himself with a very narrow slice of economic opinion. I’d like Krugman — or someone like him — to be in the room. From Americablog: … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like | 2 Comments

Post-Race Doomsday Detonation: Catch the (Shock) Wave!

Cross-posted from The Mustard Seed. Who wants to check out the raps of a pissed-off, punk-rocking, straight-edge, vegan eating, 31337 typing, Pilipino activist blogger and scholar? I do! And so you do you God damn-it! The power of the simulacra … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Colonialism, Economics and the like, Mind-blowing Miscellania and other Neat Stuff, Race, racism and related issues | 1 Comment

Under Obama's Plan, The Wealthiest Americans Still Pay Less Taxes Than They Did Under Reagan

A crystal-clear visual from Move On, who in turn got it from Steve Benen. Also, Matthew Ygesias asks, why not add additional marginal brackets?

Posted in Economics and the like | 17 Comments

Jon Stewart interviews Jim Cramer

Not the best reporting I’ve encountered about the financial crisis — that would be an episode of This American Life — but an incredibly substantive discussion for TV. It’s pathetic that TV this good can seemingly only happen on a … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, In the news, Media criticism | 2 Comments

Western Economic Crisis to Hit Developing Nations Hardest

The World Bank came out with a report today stating that the world economy would shrink, which is the most dire assessment that an institution of economists have come out with for the economic prospects this year. The New York … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Economics and the like | Comments Off on Western Economic Crisis to Hit Developing Nations Hardest

Job losses in this recession versus the previous five

In another thread, Ron said “this recession is actually less severe than either of the last two in terms of the percentage of people out of work.” I think Ron’s understating the severity of the current situation. I found this … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like | 18 Comments

Are loans a better idea than Obama's housing plan?

Cathy Young writes (emphasis hers): Lately, there has been a lot of discussion of the moral aspect of anti-crisis measures that, in effect, allow people to get away with bad or at least irresponsible behavior — specifically, bailing out homeowners … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like | 9 Comments

The GOP Puts Its Money Down

The stimulus plan passed the House of Representatives last night by a comfortable margin, 244-188. Eleven Democrats broke with their party to oppose the measure. No Republicans voted for it. This calls for a metaphor. One of my favorite casino … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, Elections and politics | 12 Comments