No worries, Dianne. We're all frustrated with the current situation. (Or I am, anyway.)
I apologize for my last comment. Trump's election is the fault of Trump voters and no one else (well, Putin,…
And thank you everyone who decided that Biden wasn't pure enough for you and stayed home: Incompetent NSC means…
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.
Category Archives:
Announcing my novella, January Fifteenth
I am excited to announce that my debut novella, January Fifteenth, is coming out from on July 14, 2022. Six weeks away! I can hardly believe it. January Fifteenth—the day all Americans receive their annual Universal Basic Income payment. … Continue reading → Continue reading
Posted in January Fifteenth, Novella,
January Fifteenth, My Forthcoming Novella, Front Cover
I’m still really excited about my upcoming novella, January Fifteenth. It’s coming out from in just a few months. I really like the cover: I really like the cover! It reminds me of one of my favorite paintings,”Paris Street; … Continue reading → Continue reading
Posted in Fiction, January Fifteenth, My publications, Novella,
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Frustrated, horrified, frightened, dismayed, disgusted, appalled....