I’m still really excited about my upcoming novella, January Fifteenth. It’s coming out from Tor.com in just a few months.
I really like the cover:
I really like the cover! It reminds me of one of my favorite paintings,”Paris Street; Rainy Day” by Gustave Caillebot.
January Fifteenth tracks four points of view, each in a different part of the United States of America, on the day when the government disburses Universal Basic Income. There’s a young mother in upstate New York; a freelance journalist in Chicago; a wealthy college student at a resort in Colorado; and a pregnant teenager who is part of an FLDS cult in Utah. None of them quite look like this gentleman in the rain, but he could be part of their world, a page or two away.
I'm adding Dicebox to my list of comics to try. I recall in 2016(?), the Washington Post interviewed a bunch…