If one assumes that a person is making their money, including enough money to have no incentive to "work", by…
Ob sie wirklich Deutsch spricht. Normalweise, kommt die US Soldaten nicht ins Stadt und spricht nicht so oft mit denn…
As for being a Nazi, ich spreche fliessend deutsch und wohnte in Deutschland fuer drei Jahre mit der americanishe Luftwaffe…
And of course this "incentive" only applies to poor people: Rich people who already have enough to live off of…
Category Archives: In the news
Supreme Court Rules For Coporations In Hobby Lobby
You can read the ruling in pdf form here, and Ginsburg’s mammoth, strongly-worded dissent here. Sarah Kliff sums up the ruling in three sentences: 1. A federal law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was written to protect individuals’ religious … Continue reading
Rik Mayall 1958-2014
Well, that’s a big lovely anarchic piece of my generation’s childhood gone.
Posted in In the news
The Effects of Bullying Are Lifelong
From PolicyMic: For decades, a research team at King’s College London has been tracking a group of 7,771 people from England, Scotland and Wales who were all born in the same week in 1958. At age 7 and 11, their … Continue reading
Posted in In the news
School Won’t Let Bullied Boy Bring ‘My Little Pony’ Bag to Class
School Won’t Let Bullied Boy Bring ‘My Little Pony’ Bag to Class. Thank goodness they weren’t bullying him over having red hair, or the school would presumably have told him to shave his head. Because giving the bullies what they … Continue reading
Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, In the news, Sexism hurts men
The Sleepwalker Statue and Freedom of Speech
On the Wellesley campus, the Davis Museum is showing an exhibit of sculptor Tony Matelli’s work, including the above statue set up outside the museum. A student objected to this, on the grounds that the statue could potentially be “triggering,” … Continue reading
Coke’s controversial “America The Beautiful” Commercial
Some comments about Coke’s Super Bowl Ad from Coke-Cola’s Facebook page: You should be ashamed of that commercial. Ill never buy another coke product again. Offensive and a diss to America the Beautiful! Ashamed, disappointed. Bad choice, Coke! I’ve been … Continue reading
Filibuster Goes Partial Boom
Corey Robin sums it up: Today, the United States Senate voted to eliminate the filibuster for most presidential nominees. That decision does not apply to legislation or Supreme Court nominees. […] But what does the vote actually mean? As Phil … Continue reading
Posted in Elections and politics, In the news
The Filibuster Is Going Down! Er, partly.
From the New York Times: Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, is prepared to move forward with a vote that could severely limit the minority party’s ability to filibuster presidential nominees, possibly as early as this week, Democrats said Tuesday. … Continue reading
Posted in Elections and politics, In the news
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…