Category Archives: International issues

One Reason It’s Important to Pay Attention to the Elections in Iran

  This is important to pay attention to not because it means women are suddenly free of discrimination and oppression in Iran, but because it demonstrates that Iranian women are not the helpless, powerless victims they are often portrayed as in … Continue reading

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Obama and Clinton’s Libya Policy Has Been Disastrous And Is The Major Reason For Being Unhappy That Clinton Could Be The Next President

In an earlier thread, responding to me calling US policy in Libya under Obama and Clinton disastrous, Crissa wrote: What ‘disastrous’ Libya policies? Honestly, are we counting as a disaster that thousands of people weren’t murdered by an army? There’s … Continue reading

Posted in Elections and politics, International issues | Comments Off  

Greece and Democracy

I’ve been following the news from Greece with horrified fascination. A few quick thoughts: 1) I don’t think there’s any legitimate argument in favor of austerity anymore – even the IMF admits that austerity is incredibly harmful. 2) And yet, … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, International issues | Comments Off  

Would You Believe I’m a Woman from Iran?

From Women in the World:

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This is a Remarkable Story

I will let the video speak for itself.

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“Our Man in Tehran” – A Really Interesting Series from The New York Times

The New York Times is running a really interesting series on its website called Our Man in Tehran (the link will take you to episode one). Thomas Erdbrink, the paper’s bureau chief in Tehran has made seven brief videos meant to capture … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Islam | Comments Off  

Reading Journal: Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Aantaki — 2

I continue to be fascinated with this book—part 1 of this reading journal is here—and with the effort Ahmed (the narrator) makes, even while he is planning a suicide attack against Israel, to imagine his Jewish father’s life. The author, Myriam Antaki, … Continue reading

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Reading Journal: Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Antaki – 1

I started a new novel not too long ago, Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Antaki and translated from the French by Marjolin de Jager. Antaki is a Syrian novelist who writes in French. Verses of Forgiveness, which is narrated in a lyrical, dream-like … Continue reading

Posted in Jews and Judaism, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Sexism Hurts Men

Kind of an extreme case: “If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ‘em. Kill every male you see.” –Chris Kyle, “the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history,” in his autobiography, describing the effective … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq, Sexism hurts men | Comments Off  

Being called racist or sexist does not “destroy” people, and, Joseph Levine’s defense of calling someone an awful human being

On drawing breaks lately, I’ve been leaving comments on Ozy’s blog, which I feel a bit guilty about since I’ve been neglecting my own blog. (Leaving comments on someone else’s blog is, somehow, easier and quicker for me than writing … Continue reading

Posted in Civility & norms of discourse, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off