More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues
Cartoon: Some Things Straight People Can Stop Saying
This cartoon is by Becky Hawkins and I. Quite a while ago, I did a cartoon like this about Cis people, and someone on Facebook (someone I knew at Oberlin in the late 80s, who is himself gay) commented “PLEASE … Continue reading
Cartoon: Why We Need Don’t Say Gay Laws
This cartoon was drawn by the wonderful Nadine Scholtes. The unicorns and rainbows were Nadine’s idea, and I love them. From the Associated Press: Top officials at a Florida school district ordered the removal of all books and material containing … Continue reading
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…